f i v e ⇢ your in this class?

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mackenzie ziegler


"bye mum!" i shout as i exit our warm home and step out into the cold, winter air. i shiver as the freezing air envelops my body. i quickly step into my quirky, little car that i brought for myself when i turned 16.

i push the keys into the ignition, making the car startup. the engine rumbles as it warms itself up in the freezing air. i carefully back out of my driveway, making sure to hit any objects around me. i enter drive along the back street of picton and head out onto the main road, which leads to my high school.

i enter the car park of my school, driving around for 5 minutes just looking for a car park. i finally find one, somewhat in the middle of the parking area. i grab my binder and laptop which sit on the passenger's side of the car, before getting out and locking it up. 

i always meet my best friend, nadia in our first-period class, which seems to be a study block. and yes, nadia and i have all classes together expect one, call ourselves lucky. i walk along the crowded halls of people making out, chatting among themselves or grabbing their books out of their locker.

i walk up many flights of stairs to reach the floor my classroom is on. i take a couple steps down the hallway before entering the classroom. i scan the room to see a red-headed girl, sitting in the corner of the room on her phone. i instantly smile at my best friend before heading her way and taking a seat next to her.

"hey," i say, placing my binder and laptop down on the desk and slipping into the chair. "how was your weekend?" i grab my phone of my back pocket of my jeans and place it onto my desk.

"fine, ruby was annoying me." she frowns as she looks up from her phone. the classroom door opens again and a boy walks through it. i focus my eyes more on the boy and realise it's johnny. my face lights up and i use hand signals to bring up towards nadia and i.

he smiles before shutting the door behind him and making his way over to us girls. "i didn't realise you were in the class." i lean back in my chair. he laughs and slides into the desk beside nadia and i. 

"hi to you to mackenzie." he chuckles. "hey, i'm johnny." he puts his hand out to shake nadia's. she looks at me and then back at johnny before putting her own hand out.

"i'm nadia, nice to meet you." she kindly smiles at him before turning back to me. "he's so kind." she mouths to me as he takes a seat in the desk next to me. i giggle at her words and turn to johnny.

"how did you sleep?" i calmy speak, he puts his head down and looks at the desk. "oh, i'm-"

"no, it's fine." he looks up at me. "i had a decent sleep, but definitely had better ones." he shows me an award-winning smile, making me smile. nadia speaks up from behind us, making me realise she is still in our presence.

"may i ask, how did you two meet?" we both share a small, awkward laugh before johnny answers her burning question.

"at the graveyard."

"my dad and his sister and next to each other." we both shrug and share a sympathetic look. nadia's mouth turns into an 'o' shape before turning back to look at her phone and continuing to scroll through instagram.

the school bell rings and our teacher for the period enters the room, getting ready to overlook our class while we 'study'.


"bye nads!" i shout across many cars in the car park before entering my snug, small car. once again i place my binder and laptop onto the passenger seat. i put the keys into the ignition before heading home.

i park the car in our reasonably big driveway. grabbing my things, i enter out my house, chucking my shoes next to the door before sprinting up the stairs the lie in front of me. i jump onto my bed and laying there before my mum decides to interrupt me and tell me to do something.


sorry that there is like no jenzie in this but next chapter there will be :)

33 votes and 12 comments for the next chapter :)

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