s e v e n ⇢ tickle time!

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mackenzie ziegler


i wake up in an unfamiliar room, rubbing my eyes to help my vision become clearer. i then discover muscular arms wrapped around my small body. i slowly turn around to meet a face. lips parted, hair scruffled up, eyes shut. i feel a light tint of pink creep on the higher points of my face. 

i start to remember the events that occurred last night. johnny texting me at 2 am, then me agreeing for myself to come to his house, walking into his room and then bam, i was in the same bed as him. i watch his chest rise upward and then down again. his breathing is steady.

i took the chance to study all his facial features while he was sound asleep. his strong jawline, along with his powerful cheekbones that stand out. his lips parted slightly, allowing oxygen to be inhaled and exhaled. 

a sound of a door creaking releases me from my 'study time'. i turn my body around to see a middle-aged woman peaking through the door. her expressions turned shocked as she see's my face. she waves her hand to come to her. i turn back to johnny kissing his temple before slowly creeping out of his bed, trying not to wake him.

i tip-toe across his hardwood floors, exiting his room, softly shutting the door behind myself. "hi, you must be johnny's mum, i'm mackenzie." i smile, putting my hand out to shake her own. she accepts my shake before speaking up.

"i'm meredith," she announces, quietly. "you must be johnny's friend." she smiles, while raising one eyebrow.

"i meet him at the graveyard last weekend." i shrug, her mouth symbols an 'o' shape. "your daughter lays next to my dad." i softly say, explaining how johnny and i met.

"oh, i'm sorry for your loss, darling." she sympathetically says. "may i ask what time you came over last night? i never heard you come in." she laughs, speaking in a nice tone.

"well, johnny texted me around 2;30 am and i arrived around 3 am i think." her face looks confused, so i continue to go into more detail. "he was missing his sister, so i came to comfort him." her lips turn up into a curve, while my face becomes scared on what she's about to say.

"come down for breakfast when john's awake," she speaks. "your a good girl, mackenzie, thank you. he never get's the best nights of sleep." she pats my shoulder before walking down the stairs. i stand in their hallway for a couple more seconds before quietly entering johnny's room again.

he still lays in the same position i left him in when i was talking to his mum. i kneel onto his bed, hoping under the cover, trying not to wake him. i snuggle back up into his chest, listening to his steady breathing and his heartbeat. his arms wrap around me again, pulling me even closer to his bare chest.

"kenzie," i hear a raspy voice from above me. i tilt my head upward to meet a pair of striking, green eyes. "hey." he smiles gently at me.

"hey," i whisper. "how did you sleep?" i question him, after all, i did come over to help him sleep a little better.

"so much better than i normally would." he smiles. "i went straight to sleep."

"that good to hear." i smile back at him, knowing him i helped him. "i was talking to your mum before.

"oh no," he rolls his eyes. "what did she say?" he sounds worried, while i chuckle.

"she was glad i was here," he raises his eyebrows at me. "she said you never get the best nights of sleep and was happy you'd made a good friend." i smile lightly, hoping to lighten up the mood.

"thank god, i thought you were gonna say she doesn't want you here." he chuckles, along with myself. "okay, let's go get some breakfast." he props himself up on his arms. myself following his actions. "wait," i look up at him and smile. "how about some tickling!" he saysbefore taking his hands and tickling the sides of my body, causing me to have a fit of laughter.

"johnny!" i scream as i try to get out of his grip. "stop!" i squirm as i toss and turn on his bed, causing all the blankets to go flying. 

"okay, okay, i'll stop." he finally releases his hands, still chuckling.

"that was mean." i frown as he just rolls his eyes and still laughs.



hope you like :p

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