Chapter 5

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        Right after Drake got the ice and put it in a ziplock baggie I was out. How could I have forgotten that major detail? Maybe we can just be friends. I lay in bed and think of how cute they are together, how completely beautiful Lauren is. I never had a chance. Why did I ever let myself believe we could be something? I guess I had too much hope and not enough fear. (haha thats punny)

        I wake up at 7:30. Great! I'm so sleep deprived. I only got four hours in last night. We got home at 9 and I couldn't get to sleep. All I could think about was Drake. Then I had a horrifying dream that I was running away from somebody. They had a knife. I couldn't see who it was, though, until the last second. They were wearing one of those creepy masks like in The Purge, when they got close enough they ripped it off to reveal Lauren. Then, Drake came up behind her and just smiled down at me. Chuckling at my fear as she drove the knife closer. The last thing I remember is me screaming as she plunged the knife into me, after that I woke up screaming with tears running down my face.

I jump in the shower, hopefully I could wash away the emotional pain of my dream. The steamy water thankfully washes away the bad vibes while I jam to Sleeping With Sirens. Kellins beautiful girlish voice helps everything. I slowly get out of the shower. The hot water is gone, but I'm not ready for the rush of cold air. I dry off and put my two towels on, then grab my clothes from the sink and head to my room to put them on. When I get finished getting ready I sit at my kitchen table and fill out my Hot Topic application. It's kind of pathetic, I've never really done any extra curricular activities, but I finish, fold it up, put it in an envelope, and head to the mail slot outside the lobby doors. As I'm getting on the elevator, I notice something. Somebody very familiar is already standing in the elevator corner. I'm glad I'm not alone, I've always hated elevators but...

"Hey Rinn! Good morning."

I nod and stare at my feet. I need to stop thinking about him. Drake has a girlfriend for heavens sake! I don't want to be a homewrecker, I mean even if I could I wouldn't want to. This body is not pretty enough for that. Also, my personality is shit, and I don't even know how to flirt.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out or something?" Shit.

"Uh, I have to go take this downstairs first..." I explain holding up the envelope as I get out. 

"Is that a yes?" He persistently follows me.

"I guess." I say, I wish I wasn't so nice. I wish I could say no sometimes. Maybe thats just wishful thinking.

"Were you going somewhere?"


"Alright, well what do you suppose we do? We can just hang out here."

"How about some... VIDEO GAMES!"

"Your'e such a nerdy BOY." I mutter, but he hears me and smirks in my direction. His lip ring doing things for me. Oh god, maybe this was an awful idea. "I don't know about that. I'm really bad at, like, everything, including video games."

"Oh come on! It'll be fun."

"Well, do you have a gamecube?"

"Woah! Do you even know what that is? You're so young though. Faith in teenagers, restored."

"Oh please. Ha ha very funny. You had a Nintendo 64, I had older brothers and a gamecube."

"Sorry to tell you this, but no I don't actually have a game cube."

"Well, do you want to play one? I have mine upstairs, freshly unpacked from its moving box."

"Hellz yes! What games do you have?"

"Mario Party 4, Pikmin 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros, and Godzilla."

"Sounds awesome, lets play them all!"

"Okay don't get too excited though, if we play Mario I want Peach, and if we play Pikmin I want Louie."

Drake gives me a fake pout and then responds with an excited, "Game on!"


Thanks for reading! So, I was thinking, surprising right? Well, anyway, I was thinking, wouldn't it be funny if I just spontaneously made drake be a vampire and made this story completey different! Haha, just kidding. That wasn't funny, was it? Oh well, I laughed. Alright, well anyway, if your're still reading I wanted to say sorry for not updating as soon as I thought I would. I'm trying to start uploading every saturday and wednesday, but that hasn't been working out very well. Also, I'm going camping (I know FUN!), so all two of you, I'm sorry if I can't upload as soon as I want to, but I should be able to. Wow, I feel like I keep having run on sentences n' shit. BUT I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU!

Vote, Comment, Be Happy, Don't do Drugs, Have Safe Sex 


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