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So I want to start by saying thank you to all of those who read Torn and this book. I want to be done with this book, so here's the epilogue and warning. It's short.

"Good morning my beautiful Mrs. Luh." Derek says to me while I am making breakfast. Derek and I have been married for about six years now and we have four kids. Two sets of twins. What were the odds of that huh?

"Good morning, Mr. Luh. How did you sleep?"

"Considering the fact you and I just had two more kids, pretty decent." He says chuckling.

"That's good. They slept through the night so that means they are going to be growing like weeds just like Nathan and Analicia." 

"Yes they are. Hey, Skate wanted us to come over for dinner tonight." 

"Okay." I smile at him. Let me catch you up. About a year ago Ana was in a horrible car accident and passed away within a day or two after that.

She tried holding on but she was so injured that she couldn't hold on any longer. She was just suffering and we didn't want her to suffer forever. She passed on, leaving her husband with two kids to care for by himself.

He lives down the street from us still but we've talked about having him move back in with us so that we can help him with the kids. 

Sammy ended up coming out to everyone and started dating Taylor. 

Colby well he just ended up being a manager for some of the best artists out there. 

Felix ended up married with a Record Label of his own.

Madison and Jack ended up married with three kids. 

As for Lele and JJ well they come around occasionally with their husband and wife. I learned to forgive them and moved past everything that happened once they started to show me they weren't going to pull anything on Derek and I anymore.

Things couldn't have ended up any better than they already have. I love Derek and our four children with everything in me.

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