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messages with niallhoran93

niallhoran93: What's a mate gotta do to get ya to set me up with Sophia?? hahaha

liampayne: You're mental.

liampayne: I'm not gonna give it to because it's not my number to be giving out to mental blokes like you!

niallhoran93: You're no fun!

niallhoran93: We can go out again tonight and invite her along to come with us!

niallhoran93: It's our last big night in the city so we need to celebrate!

liampayne: Aren't you still beat from the last time? I'm definitely exhausted and I don't know if it's a good idea for me to be going out again. I don't want to turn into a model who parties too much!

niallhoran93: I'm the footballer who drinks too much! I don't do it because I'm Irish! I happen to enjoy it.

niallhoran93: It's one last time before we're back in the UK and might not have a lot of time together because of our schedules.

liampayne: Alright.

niallhoran93: YEAH PARTY ON PAYNO!!

liampayne: Can I ask you another question about Louis?

niallhoran93: Aren't the two of ya chatting all the time? Can't you ask him?

liampayne: Haven't really messaged since I posted that pic of you, me, and Soph. I don't want to bother him and have him think I'm calling him out for being jealous or something.

niallhoran93: He gets attached easily. Don't tell him I told you that.

niallhoran93: I haven't spoken to him in a while either.

niallhoran93: If I find out for ya, can ya give me Sophia's number??

liampayne: No

liampayne: You do know you can just follow her on Instagram.

niallhoran93: And be the creepy lover boy fan over her like Louis is with ya? I don't think so, mate! I'm gonna do it like the times before all this social media stuff and text her by her number!

liampayne: Good luck with that.

liampayne: And Louis isn't creepy. He's different than anyone I've ever spoke to.

liampayne: If he was creepy, I'd just block him.

niallhoran93: Do you think Sophia would block me?

liampayne: I don't think so. She's met you in person and I don't think she hates you.

niallhoran93: That's a good start!

liampayne: Stop replying to me and talk to Louis already! Let me know if he's okay once you're finished!

niallhoran93: Ya models are so bossy.

liampayne: Us models also take you to New York City and let you hang around our model friends.

liampayne: And don't make it sound like I'm the one worried about him.


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