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messages with liampayne

liampayne Out on a walk with Watson. Can't stop thinking about you. Wish you and Cliff were here with us.

louiswtomlinson Well I did give you the greatest birthday you've ever had so I hope I'm still on your mind.

louiswtomlinson It'd be nice to take our boys out on a walk sometime. Just the four of us.

liampayne I'll never forget this birthday. Trust me. Thanks for being understanding even though we both were pretty pissed!

liampayne Hopefully soon !

louiswtomlinson Course my love. I wouldn't ever take advantage of your first actual time with a bloke. But now that I know how incredible you are at it take full advantage of me whenever you so please.

liampayne That's pretty much all I want to do whenever my hands are on you. How are you feeling?

louiswtomlinson Besides well fucked? Hmm can't really say. What about you? You're not too sore yourself or regretting anything we did?

liampayne I don't regret a single thing. I could never regret you babe. I'm a bit sore but you already told me I would be. I definitely think I prefer being top.

louiswtomlinson Claiming your spot already aye? I vote we switch it up from time to time just to keep things unpredictable.

liampayne What can I say? I love doing things to your arse.

louiswtomlinson Liam Payne stop it. It's not a good time for me to get a stiff and you're out in public with your dog!

liampayne I can talk about these things and not get hit and bothered. Not my fault you find me dangerously fit and dominate.

louiswtomlinson I am never saying those things to you ever again after this. I've created a sex monster.

liampayne But you've always thought this of me before we even started chatting with each other. 😉

louiswtomlinson Go back to being my innocent boy.

liampayne Now we both know it would be a lie.

liampayne What're you up to today?

louiswtomlinson: Gonna go to some open stadium thing Niall just invited me to. Then we'll probably go out to some pub or club. That's usually how these things go.

liampayne Behave yourself. I know you're a wild boy!

louiswtomlinson I am a very well behaved man. Hey if you're free later maybe you could join us? It could be like a continuation of your birthday with Niall and some of the other teammates.

louiswtomlinson Sure Niall would love to see you.

louiswtomlinson More importantly I would most definitely love to see you. And grind up on you. Now we better be going to a club after.

liampayne I don't know babe. I'm still recovering from all the partying we did over the week. Plus my schedule is filling up with these last end of the year things and that's besides the big charity event and your birthday, and Christmas with our families.

liampayne Not that I'm saying all of this to sound too busy for you. I'll have the entire month of January off and I'm hoping to spend the majority of it with you.

louiswtomlinson Just didn't think that after your birthday you'd still have so much work to do for the year. I hope your team is taking extra care of my boy.

liampayne I've never had this much work for me before but I think it's because I've gained such a following over the year. Everyone wants me working with them. There's plenty that my team has turned down because I said so or because they didn't think it would be best for me.

louiswtomlinson Do what you have to do, I suppose. I'll see you before the event though?

liampayne Of course. I'll always make time for you. Even if we don't get to be together I'll make sure to call or message you whenever I can.

louiswtomlinson I'm sorry. I'm relaxing I'm being a massive idiot. I love you.

liampayne I love you too. My massive idiot.

liampayne How long til you're meeting with Niall?

louiswtomlinson Few hours.

liampayne I'll call you when I'm back from my walk with Watson. We can talk until you go off to see him. My guess is I won't be able to get ahold of you tonight.

louiswtomlinson Probably not. Almost wanted to kill Niall for messaging me this morning. He knows better than to do that after I've been out.

louiswtomlinson Now walk faster love. I know Watson has long legs so I'll be hearing your voice in no time.

liampayne All right babe 😘

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