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messages with liampayne

louiswtomlinson: Well damn, my boyfriend has quite the massive heart. I also had no clue that you were passionate about these sorts of things. You're doing an amazing thing, babe. Those kids and families will be lucky to know someone like you is cheering them on.

liampayne: Thanks, babe. It means a lot to me. There's a lot of projects that I'd love to put my heart into but I can't be part of them all. All I can do is support in any way I can.

louiswtomlinson: I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for you during your career.

liampayne: I hope so. I want to be able to give back.

louiswtomlinson: Anyway, I wanted to keep the attention on the children and cause. They're what's important.

liampayne: You're being supportive in the way you feel is best and I like it this way. I'll never be hurt that you don't flood my social media.

louiswtomlinson: Unless I think you look ridiculous or something. I'll have to voice my concern for your well-being and all.

liampayne: To you I'm always ridiculously good looking.

louiswtomlinson: Cheeky.

louiswtomlinson: Speaking of good looking people, send my love to the lovely and beautiful Sophia yeah? Haha

liampayne: Ha I'll be sure to.

liampayne: So this event at the end of the year. I was wondering if you'd like to come with me.

louiswtomlinson: Liam Payne, are you asking me out on a date?

liampayne: Maybe ;) I mean, if I'm out by then I'd definitely want to be holding your hand with you by my side. If I'm not, I'd still want you right by my side.

louiswtomlinson: It's when you're comfortable and ready. And when your team get their oversized heads out of their small arseholes!

liampayne: Louis!

louiswtomlinson: Liam!

louiswtomlinson: We don't need to worry or even think about that right now.

liampayne: I know. I haven't even thought about it until now. My excitement is just working with this group. Now I just hope that at the event the focus will still be the charity and not the fact that you're there.

louiswtomlinson: That's something that's out of our control, babe. And there's always gonna be that focus on us.

liampayne: I never knew you'd be getting so much attention.

louiswtomlinson: I happen to be a big deal!

liampayne: I only want you to get attention from me.

louiswtomlinson: I will and you'll only be getting attention from me.

liampayne: Is that so? When?

louiswtomlinson: Glad you asked! That dinner I've been running my mouth on about, I've decided it's gonna be celebratory boyfriend time. Lots and lots of attention will be served.

liampayne: Alright. My schedule is mainly covering the charity and event. The interview with Sophia will be out and then we'll have a few things here and there. How does next weekend sound for you?

louiswtomlinson: It's a date. I can't wait to see you again. Give you a proper congratulations.

liampayne: I can't wait either. And I know you will. Wouldn't expect anything less.

louiswtomlinson: Shit now I have to run around like an idiot and start getting prepared for my sexy boyfriend to come visit me.

liampayne: This was your idea.

louiswtomlinson: I know! I've got to get groceries, clean and give ole Clifford extra love because I will be ignoring him. Thank god I don't have a roommate to kick out.

liampayne: I wish I could see you all flustered. I bet it's pretty amusing.

louiswtomlinson: Hey! I don't entertain much and you happen to be a very important guest in my humble abode.

liampayne: Humble abode?

louiswtomlinson: Yes. My abode.

liampayne: Okay. I can't wait to see you at your abode.

louiswtomlinson: Yeah, there's no flow when you use it.

liampayne: Alright you sass. I've got work to attend to. I'll see you in a week :* 

louiswtomlinson: Go be a superhero to some well deserving kids. You're already mine so I guess I can share for the greater good.

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