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messages with liampayne

louiswtomlinson: Alright my boy we need to discuss what you'll be wearing to dinner.

louiswtomlinson: Or not wearing ;)

louiswtomlinson: I suggest that you come shirtless. That would be hot. We can have shirtless spaghetti Saturdays or whatever.

liampayne: Shirtless spaghetti Saturdays? You're ridiculous !

louiswtomlinson: I think it's a genius idea!

liampayne: Wouldn't that make a mess?

louiswtomlinson: Um, I'd lick it off of you. Obviously. I don't waste food, Liam.

louiswtomlinson: Especially food I've slaved all day over to prepare for you. The least you can do for me in return is show up at my flat without clothes on.

liampayne: Can't we save the licking for dessert?

louiswtomlinson: You're my boyfriend so I can lick you whenever I please.

liampayne: Of course you'd say this.

liampayne: Now what are you going to be wearing so I can get an idea for myself?

louiswtomlinson: An apron and then an apron with an erection underneath it when I answer the door to you being shirtless on the other side.

liampayne: LOUIS.

louiswtomlinson: I find it hard to believe that you wouldn't enjoy seeing that!

louiswtomlinson: Hard haha

liampayne: Can you be serious for a moment?

louiswtomlinson: Just the one?

liampayne: Babe. Come on.

louiswtomlinson: Alright. Alright. Well, I'm probably gonna go for jeans and a nice jumper. Nothing too posh. Think of it as a simple night in. A regular night with your boyfriend.

liampayne: Simple. I like the sound of that.

liampayne: Do you need me to bring anything for you? I can make a stop on the way if you'd like.

louiswtomlinson: No. I just want you to be here as soon as possible.

liampayne: I know and I'll get to you as fast as I can.

louiswtomlinson: I miss hearing your voice. It's so deep and sexy.

louiswtomlinson: Everything about you is sexy. I miss everything.

liampayne: I miss you too. I'm always missing you.

louiswtomlinson: I miss you so much that time feels like it's slowed down. I just want to get through the rest of the day without having to feel punched in the face by how time isn't passing by.

liampayne: What's the rest of your day look like?

louiswtomlinson: I've got to get out to the shop and get everything for dinner. That's the biggest thing.

liampayne: You haven't got it yet? I thought you would have been overly prepared. Maybe even already had things before you asked me about it.

louiswtomlinson: I'm quite nervous about it actually.

liampayne: You're so confident, Louis.

liampayne: We were both nervous about meeting but once we became comfortable and realized we were actually able to be together all that went away. It'll go away again and the only thing that'll matter is us.

louiswtomlinson: Yeah, I can't help but to freak myself out. I've got so much to do before you come around. I know once you're here I won't care about all the other stuff.

liampayne: I can't wait to see you, babe. I'm really looking forward to a cozy night in with you. It's been a bit hectic since the release and all I want is some downtime with you.

louiswtomlinson: It'll be the best cozy night in you've ever had. I'm an expert when it comes to those. You're so lucky.

liampayne: I definitely know that I am.


louiswtomlinson: I'll message you when I get back. I don't plan on being out for too long!

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