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messages with liampayne

liampayne: I'm gonna be super cheesy and you're gonna call me an idiot everyday but I finally get to do this.

liampayne: Good morning, my beautiful boy. I woke up feeling like I'm on top of the world and I know it's all because of you. Last night was the best time I've ever had. I can't wait for all of our other nights in together where we can be just Liam and Louis. We'll have dinner and talk about our lives, dreams, and anything ridiculous that we can possibly think of. I never thought I'd open up to you the way that I did. I'm not one to speak up about my struggles. Ever since I was a kid I kept my emotions to myself. You opened up to me to and I can't help but feel this great amount of pride that you trust me with your heart just as much as I trust you with mine. I promise I'll keep it safe and loved.

liampayne: Anyway I love you, Louis. My first thought when I woke up was wanting to see you next to me so I could lean over and kiss you and tell you that I love you. Even though I'm not with you right now I find myself saying it out loud. Still can't believe we finally get to share this together. And we still have so much to share.

liampayne: I hope when you wake up and read these that you'll smile before you decide to joke around about it. You truly are a remarkable person and I'm so lucky that I get to be with you.

liampayne: I've got an early gym session this morning and sadly I have to work off the lovely dinner you made for us. I'm not quite the cook but I'm sure you'll inspire me. I want to be able to do special things for you too.

liampayne: I love you. I can't wait to message with you later. It's my favorite part of my day. You're my favorite.

Liam's in love and he's just the sweetest human ever.

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