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messages with liampayne

liampayne: Um....

louiswtomlinson: What's wrong? Afraid your giant dog's gonna come in the kitchen and see his daddy getting off?

louiswtomlinson: It's not like he's gonna lick your dick.

louiswtomlinson: That's my job.

liampayne: Louis. Shit.

louiswtomlinson: Can't wait to actually hear you saying that when we really do it.

louiswtomlinson: Now quit trying to divert the conversation. Do you want to or not?

louiswtomlinson: I won't get mad and hate you if you say no. If that's what you're afraid of.

liampayne: That's not it. Trust me.

louiswtomlinson: Then what's taking you so long to answer me??

liampayne: I just didn't think we'd be doing this after we've constantly told each other we'd wait on the dirty talk.

louiswtomlinson: I have to be honest with you and say that it's very difficult not to talk dirty with you for all the reasons I've said throughout our chats.

louiswtomlinson: Like I'm trying to be respectful of you and your situation but at the same time I'm really losing the ability to hold my tongue when it comes to you.

louiswtomlinson: Does all that even make sense?

liampayne: Yeah, it does.

liampayne: I may as well confess that I bite my tongue when it comes to you too. You just always have these comebacks that make me laugh so much and I just want to keep going with you, even though I'm probably always going to lose.

liampayne: But when it comes to sex, I'm definitely going to be the one on top of you.

louiswtomlinson: I knew it! Liam Payne you dirty dog!

liampayne: Hey! I'm better at hiding it than you are!

louiswtomlinson: It's time to stop hiding and time for me to please you via messages.

liampayne: It better be good. I was planning on maybe going to the gym later.

louiswtomlinson: I need to see you all muscular and sweaty!!

louiswtomlinson: Then I have more of visual when you're actually sweating on top of me.

louiswtomlinson: Wow. You're really good at distracting me away from my sexting proposal.

liampayne: I don't even know where to begin.

louiswtomlinson: Don't worry about that, love. I've got you.

louiswtomlinson: I'll do all the work but you definitely owe me later.

liampayne: Is that so?

louiswtomlinson: It's polite to return a favor. Especially sexual ones.

louiswtomlinson: Now shut up and put your hand down your pants.

liampayne: You're so bossy. Can't wait to get to tell you to shut up.

louiswtomlinson: I won't listen to you.

louiswtomlinson: You'll have to gag me with something.

liampayne: Stoooop

louiswtomlinson: You're so easy! I didn't even get to start yet and you're already begging me!

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