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I have a different opinion about love.

I think we can love so many people at the same time simply 'cause we've loved them, once at a time, sometimes, in the past.

And why am i saying all this?

Because i want to tell you the reason behind the title if this book-

"Conch Shell"

Well, so one, among many of my crushes, happen to have this name "Sankho" pronounced as song-kho in Bengali (my mother tongue) which also means "conch shell" in English and i like this name a lot.  And i never really had a chance to speak to him face to face. Although we chatted on facebook and i had enough conversations with him to know that he's a little dumb guy. And somehow i lost interest in him after four months of my little game of "staring and peeping at him"!

But i feel like he needs to be in my memory and hence the title of this book.

So I'll always be reminded not to lend my heart to just anybody.

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