a week ago

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            Dedicated to twinkerbell_17ention a user
Talk to her. she is the most cheerful & funny person I've ever came across.


A week ago i begged you to let me go if you don't want anything more than us being friends. Because I can't fu*king pretend to be your friend and keep crushing all my feelings for you all the time. But you weren't ready. You said you needed a friend like me and that you will hold onto this friendship anyhow, even if I do not, even if I leave. So I stayed, I did not beg or request anymore. I stayed even though it was getting harder for me every second.
And now you are letting me go, just like that, just like you let go off a kite when your string gets stuck in some tree. You did not text me like you always did. Did not ask me about my days or what I was upto! Nothing.

So, even though we aren't on talking terms anymore I would wanna know what happened this week, what new things did you learn about me, what new things did you come across in the street, what is it that's messing up with our friendship and cutting the urge in you to text me even a single "hi" or that emoji of a boy you'd always sent me first to strike up a conversation. What is it that's making you let go off me now that easily?

I knew people break promises but I thought you were different.

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