go away. i beg

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the fact that hurts more than the late replies and the awful truth that you can never think me as anything but a friend is that you almost loved me.


you had mend your heart and had moved on from your ex.

you had no other girl in your mind. no crush.

you told me i was nice and you liked me for the way i was. you wanted to talk to me.

but i wanted to get rid of you because i knew how that was gonna end.

& when i wanted to leave you said "but i need a friend like you "

even after knowing you weren't made for me nor was i for you, you initiated numerous conversations, you teased me, cracked jokes. you acted like you really did love me.

& then i loved you even more.

but now i know the ending. i am not an option. i'll not wait till you make your mind up and get ready to jump and fall.

all i know is loving is a choice & you can make it now.

or never.

but i must not keep you at the door of my heart so the one who is really meant for me
doesn't find it difficult to enter.

so please, go away from my life.

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