if i die

24 4 1

Someday if i decide to die, like if i ever have to, do not pay your condolences by saying the following -
"sorry but she could've done that",
"she should've just let it go",
"she could've just found a way or something ",
"could have approached a counsellor ","shouldn't have decided so fast"
etcetera etcetera.

Cause you won't ever know the reason behind all of it. So let me just tell you now why i would ever die myself. I have my own way of living, own terms and conditions of letting people into my life, my dreams that completely belong to me. And if i ever have to live a life i never dreamt of, or do things according to people i hate, i would simply choose to leave.

Cause maybe I'm a coward !

about a queenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें