
58 17 48

It is weird how some people love thunder and lightning and storms.

Maybe they think there's something special in the cracking and shattering sound of the thick grey clouds above, or the design of the piercing bright strikes of electricity on the sky.

The thing is I don't know.

'Cause me and my family may have different opinions and thoughts on every topic one can imagine but we hate when lightning strikes.

We hate it because:

When it does one among the four of us has to rush to turn out all the lights in the house, one has to run to switch off the refrigerator in the far corner, another(me generally) to turn off the inverter and unplug the tv(the real love of my life) and finally the last person has to bring candles and matchbox and torch in a minute time.

It seems like the final scene of the movie "2012"!

But then nothing big happens(now not that I want) and we all head to the same room to sit together in the light of a candle.

And perhaps that is the only time we show unity!

Maybe i love thunder too, now.


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