"Won't stop till we surrender" Chapter 16 ~ Mouths drop

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Chapter 16

 I found my way to the house and I still had the feeling something was going to go wrong tonight but I pushed it aside and went straight to my closet! I have to admit I was excited to I haven't been out in ages. And I was going to do it right I'm going to dress for the occasion. I found my black dress that I had bought and never used with have the things in my closet before I had Darcy. It was a short black dress with a zipper in the front. (Nichole's dress.......) I straightened my hair and put a bit of a bump. As for makeup I wore it light again but some eye liner and mascara was added. And I put on some strappy heels. The girl who I saw in the mirror looked so pretty and I was happy with myself.

It was dark out I hadn't noticed how late it become I grab my cell phone and some money and out it in my little black clutch bag. Well I guess this is it Nichole you can do this go and have fun. I got in my car and turned in the radio and Ed Shereen was on. This relaxed me maybe I had nothing to worry about.

*********** Harry's POV *************

 I put on my nice blazer and my white shirt underneath I looked hot if I do say so myself. I saw a pair of eyes looking at me. "Darcy babe I see you. Did you want to talk to me or something?!" I say looking at how beautiful she was. "Umm yes I have a quethtion!" she says with a bit of a lisp I laughed and sat her on my lap. "Anything love!" I say looking at how much she looked like her beautiful mother and me together she was perfect I loved her so much. "Why didn't you come back to play with me? And why don't you live with me if you’re really my daddy?!" she said looking so confused. K forgot she was so little and she really didn't understand everything that was going on around here. " I was going to come back baby girl but I promise babe it won't happen again I’m going to see mommy tonight and we can make plans for us three to have a fun day! And I don't worry we will be living together soon I'll make sure of it! I'm your only daddy Niall is your uncle okay?" I study her face as she processes everything in. "I knew it! Because you have the same eyes as Darcy!" she said hugging me. I hadn't noticed how late it was getting I have to out Darcy to bed and get going.

It only took Darcy a few minutes to fall asleep she really liked now I sang. I took a picture of my baby with my phone and set it as my background. This was perfect. "Okay Gem she's in bed if you need anything call me and Nichole and we will be her in seconds!" I say. "Don’t worry Harry she'll be fine!" she says reassuring. "I know she's in food hands it's just I love her so much and I don't want anything bad to happen to her!" I say.

"Thanks Haz don't make any stupid mistakes let that little girl have a great life growing up she deserves that! And if it means being with Nichole that I have no clue why your still her and not trying to get her back!" she says laughing a bit. I smile and grab my iPhone and head out the door. “Don’t worry Gem things will be fine again!" I say before leaving. I got into the car a bit nervous to go to the club I turn on the radio and Ed sheeren was on good I felt more relaxed now!

I got to the club a few moments later and of course the press was there! I was seriously getting annoyed of them! Whatever I guess they were part of my job. I got out of my car and walk in to the club and see the boys in the V.I.P. section I walk over to them and everyone greets me. Danielle and Eleanor where here to probably good for Nichole so that she wasn't the only girl! I ordered a beer and sat with everyone Nichole wasn't here yet I hope she didn't decide not to come. "She's coming Harry!" Niall says to me looking annoyed. "Good because there are things that we need to talk about!" I say back. "Oh yeah like what?!" he asks "like OUR baby!" I say. I look at Niall whose mouth was dropped open what was his problem. I turnaround and my mouth fall open as well.

********* Nichole's POV*********

I had finally got to the club I have no idea what took me so long oh yeah I was sitting I the car worrying whether or not I wanted to actually go in the club! I walk over to where the boys where and I stand behind someone who I think is Harry and all the boys mouths drop when they see me. The person turns around and yup I was right it was eight it's Harry and he was looking amazing I forgot how good he cleaned up. He looks at me and his jaw drops just like the others. I blush and giggle a bit. Niall walks over to me and kisses my cheek and Harry turns around with an annoyed look in his face but I ignore it. "You look beautiful!" Niall says to me. I thank him and sit with Danielle and Eleanor who order me a drink.

A few hours had passed and we were still at the club. Niall went outside for a smoke with Zyan I forgot he smoked occasionally. I went over to the dance floor and decided that I was allowed to have some fun to so I started dancing, I figured Niall had come back in from the smoke and well I was right I found him with some blond laughing and looking like they were having a pretty good ass time. I had a feeling this would happen Niall has been amazing and everything but he wasn't really Darcy's dad and he could still go out I just had to let him live his life. I sent him a text.

'Ni you probably won't get this till tomorrow morning if you remember to charge your phone tonight. But anyways what I was going to tell you was that I think that you need to live your life! You’re not really a dad even though for the past few weeks you’ve been the best father figure Darcy has ever had. And I'm COMPLETLEY grateful for that and I don't want you out of our lives I just think that you and I shouldn't dare we can still be friends. I just don't want you to have to become the role of a father when you don't even have a daughter yet. I am so happy for everything that you've done and I hope we can still get on well.x - your princess always Nichole

************************************ Okay i have told you guys that im leaving for vacation sooo ill have tons of time to write and my bff sam is prob gonna post my chapters till i get back! thanks for understanding loves!xxx

"Won't stop till we surrender" ~Harry Styles fancfic~Where stories live. Discover now