Jamie, Where's Harry?

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A/N I am so sorry for the delays in updating my stories. I am recovering from surgery at the moment.

Niall followed Liam into the kitchen, his fists clenched.

"Jamie, where's Harry?" he shouted. 

"I told you, babe. Harry went home because he was feeling unwell." Liam lied smoothly as he started to make Niall a sandwich.

"But he's got a room here. He didn't need to go home." Niall yelled.

"Niall don't use that tone of voice to me. Now calm down . Harry didn't want to risk you getting sick so he went home. Now eat this sandwich, we're leaving soon. " Liam handed Niall the plate and walked out of the room. He felt uneasy. Niall obviously was struggling to believe him so what had changed? They all thought Niall was still being influenced by the thoughts Doctor Nomis had lodged in the subconscious minds of both boys. He cursed his carelessness with the phone as  having to remove Harry was an unexpected complication. They'd have to either find a good reason for Harry's continuing absence, or push their plans forward. Maybe Louis and Simon could think of something.

Niall sat brooding as he ate. Harry surely wouldn't have gone home just to stop him getting sick. Harry always thought of others but wasn't this a bit odd? And why did he, Niall, feel so uneasy? "

"Niall, finish that quickly, we have to leave" Liam appeared in the door "And go to the toilet too, baby"

"I'm not a f.cking baby , Jamie. I know if I need the toilet or not. I don't need you to f.cking tell me to go like I'm some kind of f.cking toddler!" Niall yelled.

"That's three" Liam said calmly as he walked towards Niall, pulled him to his feet and spun him around.

"Three what?" Niall shouted " and let me go". Liam swiftly planted three hard smacks on Niall's butt making him shriek in both surprise and pain.

" Smacks, Niall. Three smacks . One for every curse word you uttered. Do it again and there will be more."  He pulled Niall out of the kitchen and towards the downstairs bathroom, opened the door and pushed Niall in. "Now, use the toilet". He folded his arms as he looked down at the tiny lad.

"Are you going to stand there and watch me?" Niall asked and Liam smirked.

"Hurry up...want another smack?" Liam grinned. Niall turned his back but refused to do anything. Liam sighed but walked away , leaving Niall to attend to business. His baby was getting too big for his britches and needed to be taken down a peg or two. Patience, he reminded himself. Soon he and Zayn would have their baby back.

Niall bounced around the stage, outwardly his normal cheerful self. He charmed his audience and every song, every chat, was greeted by screams from his fans. He loved performing but tonight he was on autopilot. He had to get rid of Jamie. The man was stifling him, becoming more and more controlling. He'd speak to Martin, get Jamie dismissed. Mind made up, he focussed on his performance.

The talk with Martin didn't go well. Niall pleaded with him but Martin just smiled at him indulgently.

"Please Martin" Niall begged again.  " You have to get rid of him. The man treats me like a f.cking two year old the whole time. 

"  Niall, you liked the man. You were the one who asked to have Jamie as part of your security team. Look, I'll talk to him but he's good at his job. Why the sudden dislike?" Martin wanted to know. "What's changed?"

"He just makes me uneasy" Niall muttered. 

"Niall, you've been through a lot of trauma , you're just upset. Maybe you should see Doctor Nomis for a chat. Shall I make an appointment?"

"No!" Niall yelled. "No" more quietly ."I don't need to see him. Just forget what I said". He turned and walked away. Obviously Martin wasn't willing to help. He'd just have to try and avoid the man as much as he could.

Harry slowly came to himself. He was lying on a very comfortable surface but his entire body felt like is belonged to someone else. He moved tentatively but everything was a major effort. Harry felt his stomach starting to churn and his head ached badly though,  and ,try as he might, his eyes refused to open fully, his eyelids feeling like they were made of lead.  And the little he could see, was badly blurred. He gingerly pushed himself upright, swallowing convulsively as he tried to avoid vomiting but to no avail. Soon he was spewing up the contents of his stomach.

"Awe , baby. Your little tummy is really upset.Don't worry, daddy will soon have you clean and comfortable." A familiar sounding voice said. Harry turned his head slowly in the direction of the voice, blinking hard in an attempt to  clear his very blurred vision. His heart stopped as memories flooded his brain. That voice! No! It wasn't possible, he told himself. He was dreaming. The sheer horror of his memories  of the past ,had him vomiting again  . "Poor little lamb" The voice continued. "Come on, let's get you sorted, little man". Harry tried to clear his confused mind.

Harry tried to struggle as his soiled clothes were removed but his efforts were useless, and he felt himself be lowered into warm water. His eyes refused to focus and  his body was still suffering from the effects of the drugs. The voice continued to talk to him as he was bathed and soon Harry felt himself being lifted out and wrapped in a soft towel before being carried  somewhere and laid on a soft padded mat. He shivered as the towel was unwrapped and a gentle hand smoothed lotion over his naked body. Harry flinched as the same hand then started to rub a cold substance over his genitals before his ankles were grasped and his legs raised as something was slid under his bottom, . Before he had fully registered what it was, it was fastened firmly around his waist and his small limbs were being manoeuvred into another garment. Harry felt himself being lifted yet again and placed down on a soft and cozy surface and a blanket covered him.

"You'll feel better after a little nap, baby' The voice said and Harry felt himself starting to drift into sleep. He fought to stay awake, to clear his mind, but sleep claimed him.

Harry woke to darkness, the only light coming from a small lamp in the corner of the room. His mind was clear now and so was his vision. He  sat up shakily and looked around him. He was surrounded by the bars of a crib. The horror of his situation hit him with full force. He'd been taken back to the community. He used the bars to pull himself to his feet and began to haul himself over the top of the bars. He had to escape.

"Harry!" The voice said sternly. "You mustn't leave your crib." The man approached the crib and as his face emerged from the shadow, Harry realized why the voice had been so familiar. He hadn't dreamed it, that strong Doncaster accent was unmistakable. It was Louis.

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