Daddy Is So Pleased To See You, Baby.

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Patience occupied herself getting Niall's room ready for when he returned after surgery. She knew the operation would take five or more hours, depending on how much damage was revealed. X-Rays were good but sometimes even they couldn't show the whole story. So, allowing for the actual operation, then the time Niall would spend in Recovery, she had a little time to try and set things in motion. Glancing around the room, one last time, Patience, hurried from the room to find a secluded place where she could safely ring Mark to find out how his plans had gone.

After Patience had left him, Mark was quick to slip out of the hospital to walk across the street to a nearby park. He had to make sure that that the phone call he needed to make, wasn't overheard by anyone, especially Niall's captors. He scrolled quickly through his contacts list and noticed that his hands were shaking badly. He was terrified. Terrified that he wouldn't be able to contact the Detective, terrified they might run out of time, just plain terrified. He paced up and down as he waited for the call to connect.

"Hi, you've reached the phone of Joe Marks. I'm unable to take your call at the moment but leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Bye."

Mark swore. Stuffing his phone into his back pocket, he headed back into the hospital, his brain whirling as he tried to think of what he and Patience could do. Time was running out. Liam and Zayn were powerful men, with powerful contacts. Though the Police had caught quite a few of the miscreants when they had raided the Age Play Community, many had managed to escape. Not only had many the hidden panic rooms not been located, but also others had also managed to evade capture in the general confusion of the raid. Mark had no idea just how many of the community members were still at large. They could be anywhere. Dangerous people, with dangerous drugs. He felt the sweat break out on his forehead and hurriedly wiped it off. Now was not the time to panic. He had to keep a clear head. Niall's safety and future depended on it.

Mark and Patience met up in the cafeteria. They had found a table that was hidden around a corner. It was rarely used because its location was often forgotten. Mark updated his wife in a low voice, laced with anxiety, and watched as her face paled even more. Niall was still in surgery but he wouldn't be there too much longer.  As Joe Marks still hadn't returned Mark's call, the young couple realized that only they stood between Niall and the two men who wished to kidnap him. They couldn't, wouldn't let it happen but how could they even begin to stop Liam and Zayn? They whispered together, discussing ideas, rejecting most of them as impossible. Patience glanced at her watch. 

"I have to go. Let me know if Joe calls." She kissed him quickly then hurried away.

Niall had just been returned to his room by the orderlies. He was extremely groggy and kept drifting back to sleep. His operation had gone very well but, as expected, had turned out to be a longer, and more complicated surgery than originally planned. Patience pulled her mask firmly over her face then entered his room ready to care for him. He looked even tinier than he normally did, his frail body had tubes and drains seemingly coming from everywhere. Patience carefully did her 'Ob's. Niall needed extra care as, without a spleen, he was more vulnerable to infections. That was the last thing anyone wanted to happen. She checked to see if. his level of pain medication was adequate then looked at his catheter. It would need changing. She smiled slightly to herself, glad he was unconscious. Yes, she was a nurse, but she was also a friend, and she was sure Niall would have been mortified with embarrassment, had he been awake. She frowned, looking at his soft, smooth skin . Those evil, twisted people had robbed Niall of over a year of his adult life, with all the normal physical signs of adult manhood removed. He had all his choices removed. She had suffered some the same violations herself but thankful that, at least, the hormone treatment she had been given had not damaged her ability to have children. She smiled briefly when she thought of the news she would soon pass on to Mark. They were not the 'children.' They were to be the parents. The parents of a real baby. But first, they had to protect Niall.

She couldn't keep the two men from Niall's room, unfortunately. They had come in at the very moment the doctor had given permission, and had settled down next to the bed, cooing over the small man. Much to her disgust, Liam had tucked the stuffie Giraffe, next to Niall's face. She bit her lip, dying to speak out, yet knowing she had to hold her tongue. Niall was beginning to more fretfully as he became more aware of the pain. She hurried to adjust the medication and was relieved when Niall started to relax, only to tense in horror when she heard Niall whimpering "Baba, Baba." The pain was making him regress. They had to act fast. Murmuring a quiet excuse, Patience quickly left the room. She needed to talk to Mark.

"Nurse!" Patience stopped in her tracks. "Have you settled Mr. Gallagher? Are all of his 'Observations'completed? The doctor wants Mr. Gallagher looked after very carefully." The Senior nurse stood in front of Patience, her face bearing it's usual humorless expression.

"Yes, Ma'am." Patience responded politely, forcing herself to stand quietly. She couldn't risk aggravating her Senior and being relaced as Niall's nurse. "His blood pressure is stable. His temperature is a little high, but still within the expected post-surgery range. His oxygen levels are good and I have adjusted his pain medication as he was experiencing some discomfort.I've also changed his catheter. I'm just going to get the anti-nausea medication the doctor prescribed, just in case it is needed." Patience kept her tone respectful though she wanted to scream at the woman. The senior nurse nodded then bid Patience to carry on with her work. "Yes, Ma'am. Thank you, Ma'am" Patience said quietly and moved away as quickly as possible.

The Doctor slipped quietly into Niall's room and studied the small figure on the bed. He slipped his surgical mask down and turned to the two men and smiled.

"It looks like everything went extremely well and a very good recovery is expected," he said cheerfully. He then grinned. "Everything is set up ." He glanced down at his watch. I'd better go now, I have a few important calls to make." He pulled up his mask again, then he patted both Liam and Zayn, on their shoulders, and left the room, whistling softly.

Patience found an empty office, looking both ways down the corridor, she saw only a masked doctor leaving the elevator at the end of the hallway. He looked like he had just left the surgery. She slid into the room and quietly closed the door. Patience pulled off the surgical hat that covered her long hair then tore off the face mask, glad to finally breathe in cool air. It had been stifling. She had just pulled out her phone when the door opened. The doctor she had seen walked into the room.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" Patience apologized. "I was just looking for a quiet place to make a call." She gestured slightly with the phone in her hand.

"I don't think I can allow that, baby girl. Daddy is so pleased to see you, baby." Louis pulled down the mask that had obscured his handsome face. He smirked at the girl standing in front of him, her face bone white.

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