Text Messages

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He scanned through past messages then quickly typed out a response. Pressing send, he then slid the phone back into his pocket. He hurried away

In another place, a phone had also signaled an incoming text. He pulled the phone out of his pocket and scanned the message. Frowning slightly, he sent back a response then he also hurried away.

Patience opened her eyes in panic. No! Not now! She raced from her position where she had been put to stand, facing the wall, and threw herself down in front of the toilet as she started to vomit. So much for morning sickness, she thought. It was evening. And this was one thing she didn't want to happen.

Liam hurriedly knelt beside her, pulling her hair back out of the way and studied her with narrowed eyes. He had already noticed the protective hand over her belly earlier, the common trait of mothers-to-be. He had wondered then but had dismissed the thought. This, however, confirmed it. He turned to Zayn who was looking at them anxiously and mouthed "pregnant" at him. Zayn nodded.

"Finished?" Liam asked quietly as Patience sat back on her heels. She nodded in response and allowed Liam to help her stand, his grasp gentle and his manner almost protective. He gently swept her up into his arms and carried her to the recliner chair in the corner of Niall's room and covered her with the blanket that was there. "Get some sleep, sweetheart. We'll talk later." He then walked over to Zayn where they huddled together in whispered conversation. Patience tried to hear but their voices were too soft and she was too tired. She faded into sleep.

Niall whimpered softly and Liam went back to the bed and studied him for a brief moment. He then did the "Obs" that Patience had been doing, expertly checking for problems then upping Niall's pain relief a little. Niall was still fretful so Liam pulled a paci from his pocket and held it against Niall's lips. Niall accepted into his mouth and sucked automatically, relaxing back into sleep. The paci bobbed gently as Niall sucked and both Liam and Zayn cooed in adoration, both knowing they would soon have their 'baby' back and al too themselves. And with the new drugs Preston had developed, well, things were going to be perfect. It was a pity they hadn't been able to administer them earlier when Dr. Andrews had first mentioned them when Niall had been taken for his 'checkup'. It might have saved them so much trouble. Still, Louis know had Harry back and they'd soon have Niall.

Mark had read the text he had received and sighed in disappointment. He was so hoping to take Patience out for a romantic dinner and now she had texted him that she was doing a double shift, it blew all his plans out of the water. At least she was in a position to keep watch over Niall. He had pushed his phone back into the pocket of his scrubs and walked back to the locker room to change. He'd better go home and get some sleep but first, he'd try contacting Joe Marks again. He had left messages for the man to contact him urgently but so far he'd heard nothing. Maybe Patience had got it wrong and it was only anxiety that made her think she'd seen Liam and Zayn. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that 'look-alikes' had caused her momentary panic. Maybe Detective Marks knew where the men were, and it wasn't at the hospital, so he didn't feel Mark's message was urgent. With that comforting thought in mind, Mark headed home.

He looked up from his computer screen. It was time for action. He rose and faced the men and one woman who were all waiting for his instructions."I don't have to tell you to take this seriously," He told the people looking at him."This is a highly dangerous situation and we can't afford to get it wrong. Let's get rolling."

Dr. Andrews slipped quietly into Niall's room. In her white coat, stethoscope around her neck, and carrying a clipboard, she had strode through the hospital corridors in a purposeful manner, nobody considering her to be out of place. Nevertheless, she was glad to have reached her destination unchallenged. It was if her attire had made her blend into the background.

"How is he, Liam?" Dr. Andrews asked as she approached the bed. Liam handed her his chart and she studied it carefully. "I think it's safe to move him now. The pain medication will keep him compliant. I doubt he'll even be aware of being moved. Louis has the ambulance all ready and it will move into place as soon as we let them know we are ready. Liam?" she looked at him' 'Josh has a spare uniform ready for you if you'd like to go and change. It will be easier to move him if you look the part. People will just assume Niall is being transferred to another hospital." Liam nodded and, giving his husband a brief hug, he then kissed Niall on his forehead and left to join Josh.

"What about Alberto?" Zayn immediately wanted to know, "and Patience?' He nodded at the young woman asleep on the recliner. She hadn't stirred when her mother had entered the room, so exhausted was she.

"You have Patience?" Her eyes lit up. She had missed her daughter even though she had happily turned her into her 'granddaughter' and handed her over to Serena and Louis. She thought a moment then said. "Zayn, tell Alberto you are doing a coffee run. Before you hand him his drink, slip this into it", she handed him a small glass vial," he'll be unconscious very quickly. It won't harm him though he will wake up with a terrible headache. Patience is no problem. She'll be the nurse accompanying Niall during the transfer. Nothing would more normal. Let's get moving."

Patience had been woken up gently and stared at her mother groggily. "Mom?" she whispered, hardly believing the woman was standing before her. "Mom, why are you doing this?"

"Not now, dear. We'll talk later. Now if you know what is good for you, Niall and baby Harry, you'll be a good girl and do what you are told." her mother said. "Now help me prepare this little one for being moved." Patience did what she was told, her mind whirling as she tried to think of any way she could prevent them from getting away with this terrible crime. 

"Alberto is out for the count" Zayn announced as he reentered the room. He put down the tray of coffees that he bought, knowing just one drink just might have made Alberto wonder. He turned to the two women. "Josh and Liam are on their way up. Josh had. chatted up a few nurses and let it 'slip' that Niall was being moved for security reasons. That little bit of gossip will soon spread if this hospital grapevine is anything like other hospitals. He's being taken out and put into an ambulance won't excite any comment this way." Just as he finished speaking Josh and Liam, who now sported a thick mustache to disguise himself a little, both entered the room, pushing a gurney. Niall was gently transferred over then warmly covered. Patience was told to carry the iV bag which Dr. Andrews had lifted from its stand. She reluctantly did as she was told. It all seemed too late. Her Mom had mentioned Harry. Did they have him too? Too late, too late, her mind screamed. She walked next to the gurney, in a daze, bearly registering the journey through the familiar corridors.

Mark was restless. He hated being parted from Patience. Yes, there was a big age gap between them but she was the light of his life. He'd been so glad to have saved her from that f.cked up community and then when she had agreed to marry him, his happiness was complete. Maybe I should make her a sandwich, he thought standing up from the couch where he'd been sprawled, mindlessly watching TV. She hated the hospital canteen food and he was sure she'd welcome something more appetizing. He walked into the kitchen and pulled out the makings for her favorite sandwich, humming as he did.

"Hey, Mike, what are you doing back? I thought your shift was over?" One of Mark's friends asked when he bumped into him in the corridor.

"Just taking Pat a sandwich" He was careful to use the false name Patience had been given by the WPP." She hates the food here and the poor girl has had to pull a double shift." He held up the brown paper sack as he spoke.

"Well, you left it a bit too late there guy. I just saw her a few minutes ago. She was taking that pop singer down to the ambulance. Honestly, did they think to call him James Gallagher would prevent us from knowing who he is really? I heard on the grapevine that he's being transferred to another hospital for security reasons. Pat must be the accompanying nurse.," His mouth dropped open when his friend suddenly dropped the bag and raced away down the corridor, yelling for help at the top of his voice.

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