Dont listen to him

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"Is that her?"
"Did you hear her last night. Absolutely terrible."

Shameless whispers from the nurses as she passed the women in the hall. Whispers echoed behind her as she walked away from her room with a duffel. Her long lair draped down her back flowed as she walked faster.

It was like the whispers were pushing on a memory that would help her regain herself again. But this idea stayed still in her heart and gave the impression that some things may be better off forgotten. It troubled her but she let it alone for now.

She spent the entire night stuck knocked out from the drugs. When she woke up a few hours later the sun was barely coming up. Her body felt stiff and lagging in every step. She was emotionally exhausted with tests done that were pointless. It almost made her laugh at the doctors she came specifically to Paris for.

Bridgette waited stiffly in front of the elevator doors waiting. She knew that doctors couldnt do anything her her. It was her fear that her Aunt and Uncle going to send her back to America. Is going back to home going to help her? The elevator stopped before her and Bridgette walked through the open doors.

"What am I going to do?"

With the amount of time that has passed in the city of Paris for Hawkmoth to cause disaster. The glowing black butterfly was a signature for the infamous Hawkmoth. But hawkmoth doesn't target people in the hospital or prisons because there would be insane people causing mayhem all over the city. What made her special?

Bridgette decided to drop the subject and focus on getting to the lobby. Reaching out she pressed the main floor button and jumped st the sound the elevator made.

[Creek- Dunn]


Her heart leaped in her chest at the elevator started to shake a bit before taking off. The jagged movement forced her to hold the hand rail in fear for her life. The metal bar was only thing she felt as she closed her eyes. She hated when these things took off to fast that they shook. Bridgette moved out of the small metal death trap the second it stopped and went to her family.

In the main lobby her aunt and uncle were talking to the lady at the desk and doctors. Bridgette just turned away from that conversation and sat in the many seats of the waiting room. From the corner of her eye she could see the doctors whispering to her Uncle.

Bridgette tighten her fists on her side and turned away pretending not to notice there glances her way. They were going to say she doesn't have a tumor or concussion. Whatever it was was magical. But amnesia can be a form of traumatic experience but she can't remember what. Beacuse of that boy. Mabey if she-.... Bridgette stopped thinking these thing when she realized something.


'The pain in my chest. Its gone?'

Bridgette couldnt understand why she didnt feel the usual intense pain in her chest. Putting slight pressure with her fingers to her chest she took a deep breath. Closing her eyes she tried to remember her life back in America. Rooftops were the least of her worries. There were strange people she was sure she knew but couldn't place what they look like. These people in her memory were siloutes in front of a light now. She can only get an impression of her memories but nothing clear. The soft light created a purple halo effect over the black figures. It was comforting blissful but dark in a way.

"Is that really a problem dear?..."

Bridgette was pulled away from her thoughts by a chilling voice lingered in her head. Dropping her bag to the floor and rushed to the center of the room. Her body was ready to fight with her fists raised. Bridgettes breathing expecting the owner of the voice to appear behind her. What she wasnt expecting is someone behind her touching her shoulder.


Bridgette felt a gentle touch on her shoulder countered out of instinct. Standing in the middle of the room she dropped the bag to her feet and swing her body around for a kick. Marinette barely had time to react and used her forearm to block the powerful kick.

"Marinette! I'm so sorry!"

Bridgette was surprised that Marinette   blocked her attack easily. But then again it scared her how much. Marinette was looking at her with her blue concerning eyes in silent.

"I'm ok. But what was that about?"

"I... I heard something in my ear and I guess I freaked out a bit. Please dont tell them."

"... I dont-"

"Please Marinette. This may be my only chance to learn extravagant recipes in Paris!

"I still dont think this is a good idea but...Ok."

Marinette stayed silent as bridgette relaxed at her answer. It was wrong to hide this but this wasnt something regular medicine could fix. She might have to get Bridgette to see Master Fu. The doctors said she had a glowing butterfly mark on her face. And that was Hawkmoths symbol. She have to tell Chat about this update.

Bridgette scratched the head of her jean shorts in guilt. She was ashamed at almost hurting her cousin. She wanted to tell Mari everything but could feel something bigger holding her back. Deciding to risk it by telling Mari about the voice, the boy, her memories. But before she could utter a single word her voice was pulled away from her.


Uncle Tom came up behind Marinette and oblivious to Bridgettes struggles. Uncle Tom was talking about Marinette being late. Bridgette stood there with a blank face unable to say a word. She tried again but all that came out was useless whispers.

"M ..Ma-"

'Speak up darling. She can't hear you.'

Bridgettes blood ran cold in her veins with a solid fear. The same voice from last night echoed again in her head. Hawkmoths voice was undeniable. She watched Ladybugs and Chats first appearance on the ladyblog. Hawkmoths face was made entirely out of akumas but how. Bridgette knew he said that Hawkmoth wanted something from her. And it scared her that Ladybug and Chat would have to kill her.

"Well Bye papa. Mama. I'm off!"

A flutter of confidence surged in her. She could the darkness bubbling in her chest. She didn't want to be left alone. Not again. Marinette was a light that she reached out to grab- literally. Bridgette grabbed marinettes wrist effectively pulling her back.

"W-Wait! Marinette please take me with you."

"Bridgette. I don-" Bridgette turned to plea to her uncle.

"Please uncle. I've been here nearly a week and I've missed so much. I wont push myself. Promise!"

Her uncle looked to his petite wife and she also looked concerned. Sabine looked at her niece then back to her husband. Tom put his hand on her waist giving her the deciding vote. It was very troubling but like the doctors say. There was nothing wrong with her. With a heavy sigh Sabine smiled kindly and nodded.

"Ok but if you feel strange call us."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!!"

Bridgette was so excited she started to speak english. Marinette watched her cousin bounce up and down. Her long hair flying in the air like ribbons. Her uncle grabbed the duffel form the floor and wished them off. Both girls ran heading towards the school keeping a steady pace with each other.


It was sad that that was exactly what Hawkmoth wanted. So he waited in the dark of his lair. If there was one person he could count on to tip the scale in someone's heart it was her.


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