Last Goodbye

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"This is a terrible idea. I dont like it!"

"It will be fine plagg. Trust me"

. . .

Looking up at the Agreste Mansion from the busted down front gate was torn off its hinges. The crunching of glass under his feet to the wind blowing through the shattered windows.

He had the feeling of being watched the second he step foot in the foyer. He ignored the feeling and tried to keep his facial expression unfazed. Adrian walked slowly in the dark barely able to make out the stairs.

"Father?. . . Are you still here?"

Adrian whispered letting his voice echo off the empty white walls. There was no response, not that he was expecting it, but he wasn't really up for a father-son conversation at this point.

Every soft squeaking noise under his feet mixed with a crackling of rouge leaves that blew in from outside. You know the feeling in a horror game where in a dark space like hall or room there was something waiting for you in the dark. Beyond the door or waiting at the most vulnerable moment to strike.

"Father? Are you still here?. . . Please Father. I really need you. They took her.", Adrian pleaded for his fathers help. The tone in his voice from cracking as hot tears traveled down his cheeks. "Your the only one who can stop her!-[ sniff]-.  .  . Please don't leave me alone.  .  . Not this time."

[. . .]

There was nothing bit silence. Quiet. And him. Everything in this house was always quiet. Adrian stopped when the wind pulled the door to his fathers study open a crack. The sound of the door creaking was hypnotizing and almost beckoning him in the dark draft room. He was supposed to go upstairs and get the camembert from his room.

Adrian walked around the mess of broken glass, and old sketch pages covered the floor. The furniture was broken in pieces leading away from a small black hole in the ground where his fathers desk used to be. Adrian leaned closer to the hole, enough to see a small white light.

A small circular hatch leading to something dark and empty was beneath the floor. He could hear a low humming sound in the dark. The loud hum was coming from a large generator hiting behind the small forest of flowers and vines. Metal bars surrounding an elevator lead doen to a dark platform made of metal.

He stopped midway.

Bridgette was standing directly infront of him and if Natalie was telling the truth. His mother. Bridgette seemed relaxed and almost defenseless but he knows bettter. She led him here. There was a mute pause as she gently led her gloved hand over the glass.

"Did you know that a miraculous can't bring someone back to life unless you wish for it?"

". . ."

"You know. I could do it for you know. . . Bring her back i mean."

"Bring who back?" Adrian said in genuine confusion.

"Why dont you see for yourself?"

Bridgette stepped aside and with her eyes closed motioned for adrian to take a look for him self. Natalie didnt have time to tell them about everything but hit most of the marks. Little to say. She didnt mention this.

His stomach almost emptied and his body trembled. There was a beautiful woman in her mid thirties sleeping peacefully in the glass case. Almost like the most beautiful princess stuck in a comatose state. Covering his sorowful moans from escaping him.

Adrian pressed further on the glass and felt emotionally unbalanced. It couldn't excuse his actions but he could see why his father did what he did now. Surrounded by lillies and vines of butterfly cocoons, was the amazing Emilie Agreste.

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