Goodbye Butterfly

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"Oh sweet little bug... Who said I was akumatized?"


Marinette watched as her cousin slip furthur into her maddness. Bridgette didnt fight or try to escape her capture at all but stayed tangled in the yoyo string. Paris was now a battlefield under a magenta sky that seemed to be growing darker each second.

Bridgette insane laughing fit came to an end and she remained on the railing while the world ended around her. Her body went slack as dark blue hair flowed in the wind in long messy strands. The uneasy feeling was building between the two heros began to climb.

"My lady. . . She has a point. I dont remember an akuma entering the classroom of any kind."

"I know ok! I just... Her gloves. Power usually comes from the akuma but if she wasnt akumatized then how?- when did she-!!!" Marinette snapped at her partner and love.

Marinette could see she wasnt tying to fight or escape. Was she that confident in her ability to succeed she wondered. Bridgette wa sso much diffrent than the other akumatized villains. Her arms had the look of burning cinders and ash blowing away in the wind . Her body seemed worn out and exausted but was that due to her condition or the akuma? But if theres no akuma then what? What did she miss?


Marinette body went stiff and pieces of the puzzel began to click. Her mind dazed as her shaking hands and tears started to run down her face. The pains in her chest, her seizures, that were unexplained increased since-

"Mari?" Marinette looked at Adrian on the verge of tears.

Chat Noir was thrown off by the pure look of terror and fear in Marinette eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes stared off at Bridgette were rimed with tears. The string around Bridgette fell to the ground along with Marinette who cried in her hands. Bridgette rose to her feet and kicked the worthless pile of string away from her feet. One step after another she walked with a bored look on her face and kicked Marinette to the side.


[ping]- Chat Noir staff and ladybugs pouch dinged with a news alert from Master... it went unnoticed. Chat Noir was being held in the air single handily by Bridgette that clamped tight on his throat. Adrian could see up close the burning plum red eyes and how her skin seemed to char around her cheeks and neck.

"It doesnt matter! IT DOESNT MATTER!" There is no time! I WON!!! HAHAHAHA!!"

Bridgette threw the black cat across to the red bug still wet in the face from her tears. The insect and the tom cat trying to be protecting her. Bridgette didnt make the effort to stop the little cat from picking up his little bug.

"Adrian. . .What do we do Adrian. I cant-. I. I cant do it!

Chat noir could hear the pain in her voice but couldn't look at her. The situation wouldn't allow it and with his back against the wall face the villian. Bridgette looked a little too pleased with hurting her own flesh and blood.


"Hee-hee-hee- HAHAHA!!"

[ blast-blast-blast-blast]


Chat Noir dodged at the last second scooping up Ladybug in his arms and dodging one attach after another. Bridgette fired one blast after another missing the scrawny black cat by a hair. Each black blast fired from her had left a crater of brittle metal behind.

"Lady come on. Please! What are we going to do about the akuma!"

Lady didn't anwser as both of them took cover behind a metal beam. Rapid fire shot on each side of them slowly chipping away the metal. Chat was running low on hiding places up here in the tower it was chipped away of most of its beams.

"Ladybug. I could some help here! What ever your planing do it quickly!.....('Marinette?')"

Marinette body shook with fear saying nothing hidind her face further in his chest.

"Silly kitty.... She only found out the way to stop me... Is to kill me!!"

Chat heard the word that madr his lady finch in pain in his arms. It was inevitable that losing someone was going to happen sooner or later in there lives. He didnt have time worry about those kind of things just yet. The Eiffel Tower was already tipping to one side dropping chuncks of debris everywhere.

Bridgette closed her eyes in victory raising her twisted idea of embracing death. With her eyes closed she could make out every single shift and clash of metal around her. The air smelt of iron and in the center of the tower she waited death with open arms.

She won....



Bridgette opened her eyes wide to see what was left of the tower crumbling in Chats distructive power. Tons of metal corroded away breaking off the platform almost a thousand feet above ground. Ladybug and Chat Noir were in freefall together in each others arms while Bridgette was hit in the back of the head by a falling beam.

Chat pulled his lovebug away from him and looked into her crying blue eyes. They only had a few second and the wind rushing past them was flying past them. Not wasting another moment Chat grabbed both of Marinettes cheeks ('not those cheeks') in his hands pulling her face closer to his. And screamed in her face...

"Marinette! Listen to me!! Whether your Ladybug or my sweet Marinette. I have faith IN YOU! I love you!!

"Adrian I-!!!"






(You didnt think it was going to be that easy did you?...)





All it took was a moment. . .

Bridgette came out of nowhere with a black ball of Corruption magic in her hand. Marinettes piercing scream as half of Adrians face was covered with a black   chrysalis like layer that spread over his body. There wasnt anything Marinette could do as Adrian pushed her away from him and grabbed Bridgettes arms dragging her down with him.

A quick shot with his staff extended and hitting her in the stomach pushing Marinette out of the was of the crumbling tower. Marinette tried to hand on to the staff as it retracted back but the smooth metal slipped through her fingers. She landed on a tuck and roll half a mile away from the wreckage of metal and concrete.

She collapsed to her knees and screamed a painful wail. The purple clouds above her now began to thunder as she cried.

'No!. . . This isnt the end. I can still save him. I can still save everyone.' Her shaky breath made standing straight difficult but she held her head up high. Forcing down her anger she reminded herself she still had her Lucky Charm. Adrian wasnt dead and neither was anybody else trapped in Bridgettes insane power. But if she was going to win this fight shes going to need help from an unlikely choice.

"I dont have any time to waste. I have to go to the Master and Felix."

And with a zip she swung away... bit she forgot one of the most important rules of being a hero. Never take your eyes off the villian... Bridgette tornblack glove broke through the left over debris.

I swear i dont know why all my stories end up so twisted. Oh well it still fun. Hope you enjoyed the story so far. The last chapter is coming up. . .

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