When Butterflies cry

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The manhunt for Bridgette Dupain-cheng has been on going for three days. And the news has gone international. There has been absolutely NO sighting of what the newest akuma victum looks like or what her power is.

If there was ever a time for a miracle now would be the time. There was a heavy feeling lingering in the streets of paris. With added security Adrian was placed on lockdown in his own home. So he sat the at his large dining room table with an extravagant meal that was no doubt delicious. If only he had an appetite.

In the clean white walls he sat there scrapping the sause surface with his fork as he stared absently at his food. These types of dinners he was used to since his brother left for America. Done with the loniness he left his meal untouched and headed for his room. He wondered about his lady, about her safety about there enemy.

The first step in his room was filled with added darkness from the steel plated panels covering the windows. Not having enough energy to make it to his bed he slumped over his computer. Thankfully his father still needed to conduct his business so the internet still works.

His four screensavers lit up with every clipping of Ladybug he was able to find on the internet. He was trully inlove with her and no one else. Adrian traced the lines of her face...to her smile... he really wished to see her. Get out of his house and see her and join his friends in the search. Her rosy cheeks and that confidence was only a small part of why he adored her.

There was so much more happening this time than before. Ladybug couldn't track down the victim and didnt even know what she looked like. Then theres the fact that the family... Marinette's family... has been asking questions that they couldn't anwser.

Adrian closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair lost in thought. Feel a little low on luck he has been keeping close contact with Marinettes good luck charm. Playing with his charm between his fingers he thought about his princess.

"I think this qualifies as obsessed. "


Adrian jumped up hearing his brother from behind leaning over his shoulder. His brother not dressed in his usual suit but a common shirt and blue basketball shorts. Felix pushing his brothers aside by grabbing  the back of his wheel

The words choked in his mouth as Felix's natural face of surprise slowly raised his eyebrow high. Felix smiled slyly leaning more over to grab the mouse from his brothers hand. Adrian retaliated by softly seeing how much his little brother and the little bug were pinning after each other.

"Soo... Ladybug huh?"

Adrian smiled so much it hurt as the embarrassment was eating him alive. Felix smile looked broken almost forced... His older brother wouldn't look him in the eye. Felix let go of the computer mouse and remained silent as he walked to sit on the couch.


"Yea she's amazing. And I bet shes brave and beautiful in every way. I bet everytime you look at her the world stops and all you see is her smile..."

Adrian was surprised.

His brother was always so serious and never spoke about a girls like that. Adrian got up from his chair and walked up to the back of the couch. Felix hasnt moved just breathed gently as he stared off aimlessly. Adrian wasnt sure how to go with this. People skills weren't his strong point. Sitting down next to his brother was the best he could do for now.

"What was her name?

"I dont know... but i loved her so much."

The time seemed to tick away as both brothers sat quietly on the couch. Adrian wanted to ask the questions in his head but couldn't fingure how to word them. He didnt want to make his brother feel worse

"Why did you come to Paris then? Wouldn't it be bett-"

Adrian watched as a familiar look his brothers face as the mask he wore as a child came back. Adrian as a little boy lost his mother at a young age but his older brother seemed to take the harder hit. He would never smile or cry.

A single tear from his brothers cheek down to his collar disappearing in the fabric. Felix clasped his hands together and slouched over to hide his face. Adrian could see his brothers pain through his mask.

"I dont know what happened to her. She just one day slipped away from my life. And for months I tried to look for her. And when i thought she was gone for good she was here again. But across the world... in the city of love of all places..."

"Lets find her..."

Felix smiled softly both brother sat in thr dark passing the time catching up. Felix told stories about Anerica (minus his past hero life) and adrian told him about every perfect detail he saw in Ladybug. For some odd reason bother brother seemed to crack puns almost every other word. Eventually both brother seemed to play a friendly gane of Mario Kart Deluxe.

It was in the very early morning where Felix and Adrian were nearly passed out that they hear a knocking on there door. Not the front door with the gate and automated security but Adrian's bedroom door.

"Ill get it."

Felix pauses the game and goes to the door except his father or the maid. What was completely surprising was that the pigtailed girl covered in mud and in pink pajamas standing outside there door. She seemed to keep something close to her chest as she stared up at the tall blonde boy.



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