Almost lost

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"B-Bridgette! Wa-Wait up!"

Bridgette pushed herself though the crowd dunking her head down. Marinettes calls were lost to her as she ran further away.

There was too much to think about, too much to lose in Bridgettes opinion. Having an akuma induced seizure wasnt something that happened before. Then being told that the only way to save her was for her to die? Hawkmoth was serious. She knew now that involving Marinette or anyone she cared about would put them in harm's way.

French street signs hanging over the streets were so foriegn to her. Both sides of the streets were were lined with restaurants. She had a general idea about where she needed to go but that's it. Thankfully Google Maps could pinpoint her location and show her where to go.

The smell of roasting meat and seasonings filled the air in the best way.The delicious smelling aroma tested her strengths but she resisted. That was until she saw a young woman with a white sundress and red hair. The young woman sitting under an umbrella at the cafe was drinking from a small cup. Recognizing the espresso smell she gagged and followed the maps directions.

"Ok so if this is Restaurant Lane by the Eiffel Tower then I'm not that far off?"

Bridgette made her way to the national monument and headed to the direction to the school. Within a few blocks she could see the school. She could already hear the bell ring in the distance. Seeing the rest of the students file in one after another made her antsy. She pressed the walking button repeatedly.

The second rang to let students know they should be in class already. There were few cars passing before she decided to make a run for it. One quick look down the street and she made a run for it. Bridgette made it half way through the crosswalk before she heard a scream.

"Bridgette WATCH OUT!" Screamed Marinette in the distance

It was in the middle of a cross walk that she saw a shiny black car coming at her. Her eyes widened at the now breaking car. With a twist of her ankle she turned her body enough to make a back flip over the car.
The car skidded a few feet managing to stay on the road then stopped. A large gruff man came out of the driver's door and rushed to the long haired teen.

Bridgette was a little intimidated by the man but could see the concern in the mans eyes. She smiled to the man and apologized. Another door opened and slammed harshly against the metal frame of the undamaged car.

"What the hell were you thinking?!"

A tall handsome boy with a sexy dark suit came out of the car. His blond hair was combed back perfectly highlighting his face and jawline. Bridgette flushed and plainly ignored the burning anger in the boys voice. In English the boy yelled at her shattering her dreamy fantasies.

"I can't believe your so fuckin braindead that you dont know what the hell a stop sign is!

Bridgette instantly reacted to the boys outbursts and retaliated back. She walked right up to the boys face and started yelling back. Marinette stood by he trunk of the car trying to calm the situation.

"Really ken? Learn that in Barbie's bussiness school?

"You look like a fucking kindergartener and you are talking shit about how I look?!"

Adrian's pov


Adrian jaw dropped.

His brother who was nothing but callous with his emotions. He was screaming, cursing, and down right trying to intimidate this girl. Felix was using his extra foot advantage to lean over the girl forcing her to look up. Adrian had to admit she looked like Marinette but taller with longer blunette pigtails.

The two started screaming all sorts of profanities and insults at each other in English. Students who and other passersbys didnt have to speak English to know that it wasnt good. The taller girl and his brother were inches away from each other but something caught his eye. It happen so fast he wasnt sure what he really saw.

But for a second he saw a flash or purple in her eyes instead of blue. Felix must have seen it too because stared at her with a angry but curious scowl. Adrian heard of "sexual tension" from Alya talking about ships was this what she was talking about?



Adrian was the first to see the principle coming in from windows of the front doors. He quickly grabbed marinette wrist and pulled her close to him. He must have pulled her too hard beacuse she was now leaning on his chest. He chuckled softly at her stuttering and motioned her to follow him. She nodded mutely and followed him happily.


Both younger heroes ducked down behind the car while the principal came up to the screaming couple. Everyone's eyes were on the principle.

Adrian grabbed marinettes hand and pulled her to the nearby bushes. She made another cute sound but covered her mouth quickly. He wanted to tell his princess that that it was fine. But he waited for the sound of the school doors closing to come out of the bushes.

"Ok Marinette. The coasts is clear."

"I. Uh- yes. Thank me. Wait no Thankyou."

Marinette blushed in embarrassment at her stuttering again but of course adrian misread her situation. This always confused Adrian. Marinette was beautiful and courageous at most times but when he came up to him she turned timid. He often feared she hated him or at least scared of him.

He hope's not.

Grabbing the blushing girls hand he pulled her toward the school for class. If he didnt she would probably waited until later to follow. He didnt see the doleful happy face marinette was sporting. Hearts were pratically popping out of her.


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