Custody Battle

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When I woke up, it was the middle of the night and I was in Steve and Bucky's room, sandwiched between the two of them. My nightmares had ensured that I would not get a peaceful sleep, so I carefully slipped out of bed and dashed outside to sit on the beach. The sun had just started to peek over the horizon when I heard someone frantically yelling my name.

"Charlie?! Charlie where are you?!"

"Over here!" I called as I saw Steve and Bucky looking around desperately. They both turned to see me and ran my way.

"Thank God." Steve whispered as he scooped me into a hug "We were so scared. Charlie, we didn't know what had happened to you!"

"I had a nightmare." I mumbled into Steve's shirt as I hugged him "I just needed to get some air, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's OK sweetie." he said softly "Just tell us next time, we're always here for you."

"OK Daddy." I said quietly as I sat up.

"Do you want to talk about your aunt?"

"What's there to talk about?" Steve sighed and ran a hand through his hair as Bucky came and pulled me into his lap.

"I talked to Social Services and they said if we really are adamant about keeping you, we can go to court. Your aunt agreed to it and we have a trial date set up so we can figure this out. The only thing I can't work out, is why your aunt would want you if all she did was abuse you."

"Do you know how much money you can get from a court settlement if you win? I know for a fact that my aunt probably waited until she found out that I was adopted and then decided to make her move. If she wins, she gets paid by Social Services for inconvenience and that'll set her up for a lifetime of luxury."

"What happens if she takes you?"

"Same thing that I told you, only every day." Bucky's grip tightened on me and I stared down at the ground in silence "You can give me up if you want." I whispered miserably "I don't want to cause trouble for you."

"Are you kidding?" Steve asked softly "There is no way we're giving you up. You're our kid, and no one's going to come and take you away from us." I smiled slightly and leaned into the hug that Bucky and Steve smothered me in.

"I love you Dads."

"We love you too kiddo."

 "Ms. Davenport? The judge would like to talk to you privately." I nervously stood up and waved to Steve and Bucky before I followed a smiling lady into the judge's office. Steve, Bucky and I had traveled to New York for the trial and the judge wanted to hear everyone's side of the story before we went to trial.

"You must be Charlotte!" another lady, who had to be the judge, said as I walked in. I smiled shyly and nodded. The judge looked nice enough. She looked to be in her twenties and was wearing jeans, an AC/DC shirt and had a genuine smile that made me feel instantly relaxed. I sat down and watched her carefully. "So do you go by Charlie?" she asked kindly.

"Yes ma'am." I said quietly.

"You can drop the ma'am." she said with a grin "I don't dress like this so I can feel like I'm forty. Call me Diana." I giggled and looked up to meet her eyes. "So, Charlie, we have quite a predicament here. Legally I am obligated to hand you over to your next living relative. On the other hand, your adoptive dads have said you told them that your aunt abused you. Is this true?"

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