chapter 4

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I sighed like I am really bored. Marcos is waiting me near my locker. He is handsome, good looking, have a perfect body shape and a right person to pick if you want to find a boyfriend. Well, I want to have a boyfriend but not him. Not whoever Sara will introduced to me. I just have a trust issue with their group and I don't want to be their group members.

Marcos smiled to me when I finally get my locker place.

"Hi." He greeted me. I try my best to keep my face smiling.

"Hi Marcos. Can I help you?"

"Umm.. err.. I want to ask you, how about we having some time together after school?" I sighed.

"Marcos, I have a job to do. Please understand. I appreciate your kindness but I can't go out. I will got fired."

"How about I spending time in your workplace?"

I sighed again.

"You can't do that. Look, Marcos, I don't want you to force yourself towards me. I don't know what was Sara told you, but I am okay with not attending the prom or not having a date. So, please, don't do anything else."

"What if I am doing this without Sara ask me? What will you answer me?"

"Just don't. If you forget, lets me told you. I am still remember everything you and your friends do to me last year. If I am not mistaken, this time will be the grand finale you guys planning to humiliating me on my senior year. Leave me alone. Please."

Marcos shake his head and try to catch my hand. My eyes start to itching.


"Excuse me." I make my way as soon as possible to leave him. Silly boy and why must I so effected with them. Its easy. Because I have nothing to do with them. I am hopeless, helpless and having just bad luck.

"Thinking yourself just have a bad luck is not the best way to appreciate yourself."

I stoned when his voice hit me like a rock.

"You can read others thought?" I wiped my tears only to see he is standing on the wall next to me.

"If I want to."

"What are you doing here?" I asked with surprisingly, my tone was so soft.

"I want to hang out with you."

"But I have a class and you are can't be here."

"Relax my lady. Let me introduce my self so, next time, you will aware of my sudden appearance. I am Death and we are mean to be together. I want to know you and maybe, I want you to feel me around you. More often."

I can't found my words. So Kayla was right. He is Death. And the rumors was true. You can see the death when you are near to die. So, I am really dying?

"Do you have another name?" He shrug. I can feel only pain. My tears rolling down on my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. I shake my head. He is Death. He know nothing about human feeling. So, what I supposed to do? Death is now following me everywhere. The only thing I can do is treasure my near to end life. I then give him a smile, the weak one.

"Okay. You can hang around with me just make sure nobody will see you. Can you do that?"

"My ultimate talent. So where should we heading first?"

"To my English class, Mr. Smart."

"What was that?"

"Emm.. I think I will give you a name since your current name will give anyone sudden heart attack once they heard, how about Helly?"



"Don't ever call me with that word."

"But I love Chris Hemsworth."

"Well I don't know him."

"Liar. How about Liam?"




"Trent?" He paused and staring at my face.

"I am Death. I don't need another name."

"But I need to call you with something else, just in case if I need to introduce you to somebody, like my best friend Julia, my workplace manager, Kayla or my landlord, Mrs. Rhys."

"Okay. Trent is good."

"Well then. I will call you Trent just we are in the crowd."


"So, do you always wearing this black attire?"

"Yes. I like black." I nodded.

"What about you?" He asked.

"I like green colour."


"Because its colour of the life."

He ask nothing else. I don't know if he was talking true about being invisible to others, but its like he told everything only true, because he is walking around the class, checking the students works and even mocking Mr. Kroos while he is explaining the subject to the class. And I get tired grinning like an idiot in my seat.

"I heard, those guy named Marcos planning to do something to you, when you are walking to your workplace."

Death reported a shocking news to me which is make me shiver.

"Did you heard what is he going to do?"

"He want to take your v-card since you had refused to go out with him." I palmed my mouth.

"He wants to rape me?"

"What? V-card meaning is rape?"

"No. V- card is.. whatever. I will explain to you later. I am in trouble. I will call the police."

"Okay." I pull out my phone but stopping my act.

"What will I told to the police? Someone will rape me after the school? Ridiculous. Now, come on. You will walk with me to my workplace with your invisible cloak."

"Okay." He is sure like to answer okay, when he is just agree with everything I say.

Its like my dream come true. I now have a man who is walk around with me but
lets make this clear again. He is Death and I am able to see him because I am dying. God, I am dying. My life will ended and I will stay in the ground forever.

"Autumn!" I waved to Julia and hug her.

"Whoa.. what is happen earlier?"

"Nothing. I just happy to see you here. So, how about your day?"

"I am good. I wish we are in a same class so we can hang out more often."

"Me too. But what to do. So, who is your partner?"

"Partner to where?"

"To the prom, you silly."

"I don't know. I mean I have one but are you sure you don't get mad if I told you?"

"Nah. So, who is he?"

"Frank Collins."

"Those crush of your? He is asked you out?"

She nodded and I pull her into a hug again.

"I am so happy for you. Finally."

"How about you?"

"I.. err.. well I rejected Marcos. I just can't you know."

"I understand. Still, you can go to the prom without a date."

"Who said I don't have a date?"

"You have? Oh my god! Who is he?"

"He is Death."

Her jaw drop open and I laughed hard to her face.

"See you around, Jules."

Death is watching us without emotion. Gosh.. should I painting on his face?

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