chapter 21

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I never expect that Nova will find out my secret place. Of course this place is not inside the hell. My other residence is a small cabin at Ranau, Sabah. She knock on my door in very early morning with dozen of her mans. She is really my niece.

"You are hiding here?" She ask me with her most annoyed tone.

"I am not hiding, Nova. This is my place."

"Okay. And those house at the city is belong to who?"

"Autumn of course. I had ask Trevor to prepare everything about the house and our other asset. I will give half of them to Autumn."

"So? You can trap her inside the house forever? I thought you are love her, Death. You even buy her an engagement ring and get engaged to her. What are you trying to do?"

"She is my bride. We need to get engaged before get married, right? That is how the process supposed to be."

"I can't believe you are doing this to your bride."

"Doing what?"

"This. Stay away from her. Do you know she is not feeling well because thinking hard of her final exam? Do you even think about her, once?"

I muted for a second. I know Autumn is stressed out because of her final exam. But its not harm her, right? Besides, she will go on vacation once the examination is done.

"Death? Death, do you hear me?"

"What?" I growl. Nova chuckled when I give her my hard face.

"You know, screw you. I come here to ask your help. I need to keep an eyes over this kids. Percy and I believe they are the one who was trying to burn Autumn alive a month ago."

"Autumn ask you to do this?"

"Do you think she have a heart to do a revenge? Nope. She is an angel. She even have not idea that her best friend is a liar."


"Oh, you know those bitch?" I stare to Nova face. I don't get it, why she is so mad with Julia.

"She is a betrayer. She betray her best friend and I doubt that she is ever assume Autumn as her friend or not. That girl is make me feel sick."

"What do you want to do with them?"

"Watch them. I want to collect an evidence that I need to drag them to the court."

"Oh.. so you are learning how to deal with the court now?"

"Its for Autumn. That girl is so naive. She will dead in a blink of eyes if she know killing people is my part time job."

"Yeah, I think you are right here. Okay, how many do you need?"

"Since all those kids is live at their own residence, I need one watcher for each."

"Okay. You got it."

She take a glance to her phone and stand on her feet.

"Don't ever turn off your phone or this place will become a mini hell on earth. You know I am serious and please. Visit more often to Autumn house. She need you."

"Okay." That all I can answer her.

Nova left my cabin and the air is become silent as the graveyard. I sighed and continue my work out routine. I will visit later.

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