chapter 6

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I sighed. Another assignment finally done. I submit it myself to Mr. Rodgers because I don't trust the class president. Last time, when I give her my assignment, my work ended around the school. How? She and her friends didn't give it to the teacher but ruined it then put it on every information board. And I ended in detention class for a week.

I make my way to the locker room and like usually, there are lots of whispering and insulting on the air. Well, I choose to ignore them. Not worth of my time anyways.

I reach my locker but someone is very kind to stop my act.

"Be careful there. You don't know what inside."

"Thank you Lavine, its just my books."

"Well, see you around holy freak. May god bless you."

He shouted and some students laugh along with him. I shake my head and I am dead!
Once I open the locker door, a huge amount of liquid splashed me from above. I am all soaked with it. I don't even know when its coming.

So this is what was Lavine really mean by 'be careful'. Because right now, I am all in red like Carrie. What makes it different is, this is not a pig blood. This smelly red liquid is red paint. How do I will remove this paint? My hair, my clothes and not forget my books. God, my book!

"Whoa... playing with new toy I see you there, holy freak."

"Leave me alone." I growl.

"Sure. Oh.. get ready for your punishment, idiot."

I have no tears. Well I am done crying even right now I am in a red paint pool. I am soaked and I have no idea how to move without spilling the paint around.

"Here, let me help you." I rise my head and my gaze found the face I never imagine to be here, its Death.

"Death, what are you doing here?"

"Well, picking you up I believe."

"Thank you. But I need to clean up this thing first."

"I will help you."

"Okay." Then he left. I scanning everybody who is still standing around me. Watching and laughing at me. Laugh as hard as you can. I am a clown. I get it. You all are very lucky because you guys not at my place. I glance to the right corner and if I am not mistaken, I saw Julia and her boyfriend. Standing there. Watching me and they are laughing secretly.

I don't dare to move even an inch. Paint is not a easy thing you will deal with. I don't know what will Death bring to help me here.

"Oh dear! Are you okay Autumn? And you my dearie, if you are only want to watch, please leave or I will put your name on the list. I am sure the principal will glad to have you all at the detention class tomorrow." Wanda the school janitor come to my sight with her equipment and a wheel barrow? Death is walking in slow move behind her. I don't dare to read his face. Well, I am far away from feel ashamed to be in this situation. Maybe, after witness this poor state of me, Death will have a clue why I always avoiding people to be around me.

"Its funny, Wanda. She must be the goddess of joking."

"I will pretend that I didn't hear that Luke."

Wanda wiped the paint that smearing on my face. Luke continue laughing along with his thin and pale girlfriend, Jesica.

"I am sorry, my dear. Don't worry, I am sure the cctv had record everyone which was put this stuff. Here, get in on the wheel barrow, we don't want the floor get dirty, isn't?"

"Sure Wanda. Thank you."

"Oh.. thanks to your boyfriend too, my dear. He come to borrow this and tell me everything. Lets get you clean, okay. But, this might take time if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all, Wanda."

"God, if you are my daughter, I will homeschooled you. No one deserved to receivie such a shit like this. You just a girl."

I smiled. What to do, I am nobody. Thats why everyone feel they have their right to bullying me.

"Okay, you will be bathing here."

I laugh hard. We are at the store back yard. Death somehow manage to cleaning the paint in record time. He is standing on the wall while Wanda and I scrubbing my hair.

Death staring at me with his unexplainable sight. I glance to him but I am not dare to smile.

"Okay.. you are almost done. Oh, I forgot to ask, what is your name my dear?"

"Death." He spoke. Wanda look at my face and then to Death again.

"Well, its rarely someone will have that name."

"You can call him Trent, Wanda."

"Okay, Trent. If you don't mind, can you please take the change inside my locker?"


I sighed. Wanda touch my cheeks and smiled to me.

"You deserved to be happy, Autumn. No one will do but him. Just give him a chance,  okay?"

I nodded because I didn't know what to say. Wanda is nice to everybody and I don't want to ruin this situation. Death is back with a clothes in his hand.

"Now you gentleman, please leave us. She need to change."

"Don't take too long." Wanda smiled.

"Sure, my dear."

I try my best to not to cry right now. I always avoiding people to help me but this time I had to. First, Death. And now, Wanda. I can't keep receiving this kindness. I don't want to.

"Okay, now you are free to go. Make sure you not going to sick, Autumn. Please, look after for her, Trent."


"Thank you, Wanda."

"Most welcome my dear."

Death take off his long lather jacket and put it on me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Well, I clearly lied if I told you I am okay."

"We can leave this place tonight if you want."

"We? Do you really have a plan about me, Death? Besides my death day, taking away my soul, what else you had plan for me?"

He don't answer. He is just standing there and staring at me.

"Don't you give me this silent answer. You said you are Death. And I able to sae you because I am dying. Why do you treating me this good then you will let me die later?"

"Who said I come to let you die? I said, I will take you to my place alive. You are my bride and you will live, forever."

"Ha ha ha.. its impossible. I will die sooner or later. Its not make any difference."

"We will go to my place after your eighteen birthday."

"Where exactly is this your place?"

"The place you human call Hell."

"Oh my god. I am going to be crazy! You Death, claim me as your bride and soon will take me to Hell?"


"Just stop, I am done with pranks or anything else. I am leaving."

He doesn't stopping me or say anything more. He is the one who is give me this confusing situation.

If I am his bride, thats mean we will getting married soon after? What the hell?
The best part is, I will stay in the hell like forever? Oh my goddness....!! What will happen to my life?

He is Death and I am dying. There is no way I can run away from him. I have five days more before I will go with him. Thats not make me nervous but prom does.

How the hell I will go the prom?

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