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I was on my way to the Mikaelson mansion when I got a phone call. "Hell Caroline." "Who is this?"I asked "You don't remember me we had an incident with your mom." "Silas where's my daughter!"I shouted "Who Love she's fine no bruises yet you come and get her alone and bring the other one with you or this one dies."He said then the phone hung up I quickly turned the car around and went to get Lizzy. I didn't know what to do I was panicking my daughter is in trouble I have to save her both of them.

When I got Lizzy we pulled up in the woods. "Mommy where are we?"She asked "I don't just stay close."I told her then a woman appeared in front of me. "I thought you weren't coming hurry we don't have time. I held my daughter's hand and we followed Silas deep into the woods when I saw Love unconscious we both ran to her. "Love!"Lizzy shouted trying to wake her up. "What did you do to her?" I asked angry coming to my face. "I just knock her out a little." He said "What do you want?" I questioned "I need to cross over,but I need strong witches to create the cure."He stated "No their kids."I noted "Kids with a special gift no like the other child of Klaus these two have a special bond they share" then he walked towards me and snapped my neck. "MOM!"Lizzy shouted

I started to run threw the woods I didn't Know what to do my mom,sister I didn't know who to go to. When I found the car and started to chant to open the door. I ducked down in the backseat. I noticed my mom had lefted her phone in the car I grabbed it and called the number. "Hello love" a voice said "Dad I need your help." I said "lizzy where are you?" He asked "Somewhere in the woods. Dad I'm scared please hurry." I said the fear getting the best of me. "Stay there we're on our way." He said and hung up the phone. I picked up a saw no one there I stayed down a waited for dad to show.

I woke up a Silas was gone so was Lizzy. I wanted to call her name make sure she was okay but I couldn't risk him finding her. "You're awake now do you want to talk?"he asked "Nope"I said and vamped speed to him tossing him across the woods. Then ran over to him and kicked him in the stomach. He threw me to the ground and charge at me. I quickly got up and swung my leg hitting him in the face. He got a branch from the tree and was about to stake me but I bent his wrist and he went flying again. I walked over to him so mad and Furious. I punched him in the face three good and hard times. I was about to punch him again,but he kicked me and I was back on the ground. He got up and I was feeling weak so I couldn't get up. He turned me around were I was on my back and plunged his hand into my chest gripping my heart. I screamed in pain I struggled to get out of his grip,but he was stronger. "I think it's time to say goodbye to you too." He said I was still struggling when he was tossed to a tree letting go of my heart. I coughed trying to catch my breath again when I saw Klaus and his family attacking Silas altogether. "MOMMY!"Lizzy yelled and ran towards me hugging me and I hugged her back. When I got up Silas vanished and the Mikaelsons stared at me. "Are you okay love?" Klaus asked I nodded and ran over to Love who had just woken up. "Mommy what happened?" She asked I chuckled "I doesn't matter I just happy you're okay."I stated I helped her up off the ground and looked at Klaus curiously "how did you know I was here?" I asked "We got a destress call from Lizzy saying you were in trouble."He said I smiled and rubbed my daughter's hair. "With Silas on the loose none of our kids are save. You guys come stay with us for a little while just until this is over." Elijah suggested I looked at the girls letting them know it's their choice. "Okay." They both said then we drove off to the Mikaelson mansion.

When we pulled up Hayley came outside. "See you guys made it out alive." She stated "You don't have to be so rude." Love said they all chuckled under their breaths. "It was a compliment." Hayley added "No it wasn't" both the girls said shaking their heads. Then Rebekah stepped up. "Come on girl let me show you to your rooms before you do something crazy." She said and her and Kol lefted with the girls. "Aren't you going after them?" Hayley asked annoyed that I was here. "Nope I gain to trust my girls can practically take care of themselves."I noted and walked inside sitting on the couch ease dropping on their conversation.

"What is she doing her?"Hayley asked then Rebekah walked outside with them. "Hayley stop being such a bitch." She said "She family." Elijah stated "No she is not family. I can't have her begin her." Hayley said "What has she ever done to your or Hope she knows more about parenting than you do." Kol said "How dare you" "ENOUGH! All three of them are staying here and that is finally. No more about this or so help me I will rip out your heart!" Klaus said and stormed in the house I vamped speed into the kitchen looking in the frigerator. "What are you looking for?" Klaus asked "Blood" "I suppose this has something to do with ease dropping. You know a little Birdy once told me they didn't need anything." He said with a smirk "Don't rub it in I'm not her to be one big happy family." I said "Good" Hayley said the rest of the Mikaelsons came into the kitchen. "Cause your not." "Hayley enough." Elijah said I rolled my eyes. "This is some kind of childish game I don't want to play." I said and walked away. When I did I stopped at the top of the stairs when I heard a bang. "REBEKAH!"Elijah shouted "You got alot of nerves thinking that you can come into this house having my brother's child and start barking orders. You just a woman in need of help I'm starting to think your jealous of her because she can raise her daughters the right way without help. You need help help get your act together or go help me I will rip your heart out in front of everyone. She has done nothing to you so stop acting like a childish brat." She said and stormed away. I went to the girls room and saw them sleeping so peaceful. I smiled and cried a little they were tears of joy. My girls are back together again for good this time I'm not going to let anything else come between them ever

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