Death at our door step

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The girls were with Rebekah and Kol at the swimming pool. Elijah was talking to Hayley and Klaus and I were walking around. "I missed this" I said "What?" He asked "What it feels like to actually have a family. Ever since mom died I pretty much felt alone." I said "Your not alone. You have all of us. We need you" he said I smiled and i remembered something and it made me laugh. "What's so funny love" he asked "Nothing just... Do you remember our first date?" I asked he laughed at the thought. "I may have got played,but..." "But what" I asked "It was the best day of my life." He said I smiled and we walked hand in hand.

After we went back to the room and saw the girls cooking. "Well something smell good" Klaus said. I walked over to the and wiped my finger in the sauce the girls stopped and looked at me. "What? I'm not going to double dip" I said and they laughed a knock came at the door and I answered it. "Package for the Mikaelsons" a man said then Kol  came to my side "Who's it from" he asked "Doesn't say" the man said Kol signed it and took it to the living room. "Girls why don't you go upstairs for a little while" Hayley said and the girls walked up to their room. We all gathered around the box. "What do you think it is?" Rebekah asked "Only one way to find out" Klaus said and opened the box. My eyes widened to see someone's head inside. "Oh my God Tyler" Hayley said I reached down inside and grabbed the note. "This is only the beginning the fun has just begun yours truly -K" I read aloud "Kai" Klaus said "He knows we're here" Elijah added "Okay so how bad are we talking about here?" I asked "Werewolf bite that can't be cured is how bad" Kol said "How did he even find us?" Rebekah asked "He must have did a locator spell" Elijah said "Whatever he did we need to leave NOW! Get the girls get packed up we're heading back to New Orleans." Klaus stated

We were in the limo riding back to New Orleans. Lizzy and Hope we're sleeping,Love and Klaus were drawing, Elijah and I were reading, Rebekah was texting someone, Hayley was just sitting there in shock,and Kol was playing on his iPhone. It was a quiet ride back I would look up and check up on the girls once every 3 to 5 chapters,but that's it. Klaus looked up at me now in then too,bit I pretend not to notice him. I feared for the girls now we have both Silas and Kai to deal with this trip couldn't get any better. The limo started to make nosies like it had hit something which made the girls wake up and everyone looked around. "Stop the car" Elijah said There was a crash and everything went dark.

4 hours later
"Mommy wake up!" Lizzy yelled I gasp for air and looked around to see where we were. The girls hugged me and I did the same back. We crawd out the limo which was flipped upside down waiting for everyone else to wake up I made a fire and the girls sat around it. Then I heard something in the woods and just sat there know who it was. "Hope!" Hayley called "Mom" she said and they embraced they all looked around "What happened?" Rebekah asked "Your little friend sat us up" I said "What?" Kol asked "He knew we were going to leave he must of had someone on the inside" Klaus stated "We need to keep moving with him on the loose the twins aren't safe" Klaus suggested "What about Hope?" Hayley asked "Hayley he's not after Hope. He wants the twins and he'll stop at nothing to get them" Elijah said "You and Hope need to leave get out of town don't come back until we saw so" He added "Elijah -" "Go!" Klaus cut her off and she vamped speed away with Hope

We all sat by the fire to come up with a plan. It was sad I saw the fear in the
girls eyes the whole time we were talking. Like I said I feared for my girls I'd die before I let anything happen to them. I also made them a promise that I would protect them and that nothing was going to hurt them guess I kinda failed at that. I'm a terrible mother I don't want any of my promises to be broken. "Are we gonna die?" Love asked I looked at her and so did the Mikaelsons "Why would you asked that?" Rebekah asked she shrugged and looked sad like she wanted to cry "That's not going to happen" Kol added "As long as we're here nothing is going to happen to you guys" Elijah said "Love" Klaus said making her look at him "Do you remember the promise I made you on the cruise?" Klaus asked she nodded and smiled "I meant it" he said with a smile "I don't wanna die" Lizzy said with tears I pulled her in for some comfort and kissed her forehead. "You're not. Ever." I said I hate to see my girls like this it hirted me so much to see them go through the pain. They are the light in my heart and I don't want to lose that.

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