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Love's POV
It was now Tuesday and I was in the library looking up new spells. "What you doing?" Hope asked "New spells what's up?" I asked "Nothing it's just haven't seen you guys in a long time" she said when Hope and Hayley came back when we were 6 and defeated Silas,Lucien,and Kai Hayley and her went to live with Jackson which made Elijah sad,but they were happy for her. Dad and the rest of us didn't see her in awhile until now. "I know. I'm going to see aunt Bex I'll see you later." I said and walked off "Love wait!" She called I stopped to turn to her. "What do you want Hope?"I asked ticked off "I'm sorry" She said I scoffed and nodded "Yeah right" I walked away and went to find aunt Bex.

I walked to her and dad old house when they lived here. "What are you doing here?" I asked seeing my sister Lizzy on the couch "Same reason your here."She said I walked into dad's office and saw him painting a picture. "I'm looking for aunt Bex" I stated "She's at the grill right now she'll be back soon" He said "okay let me know when she gets back. I'm going for a walk" I said "Be careful" He said I smiled and walked away.

I was walking around town and then into a wood shop. When I walk inside I heard someone call my name,but I didn't turn around. I was looking for something to make a figure or statute maybe. "Love!" I turned around to see the boy from school. "What do you want?" I asked "Came to say Hey" He said "Hey" I said and walked off he ran after me. "How did you know it was me it could have been Lizzy." I stated "Your the rebel looking twin" He pointed at my clothes and I nodded.

"You into wood work?"He asked "Something like that I'm an artist" I said "Cool I'm making a tree house for my sister me and my mom" He stated I nodded while we looked at wood "Where's your dad?" I asked "Huh" "Your dad you only said you and your mom. Where's the dad?" I asked He was in silent for awhile and I thought to myself I never should have side anything I'm so stupid. "He's not around. I haven't seen my dad since my mom told him she was having another baby. That was like 5 years ago." He said "I'm sorry." I said and smiled at him he smiled back. "If it makes you feel better when me and sister was born we never met our dad until we moved to New Orleans and were 5 then. So we're kinda alike me and you" I stated "You wanna get some coffee?" He asked I nodded

We bought our wood and went to the Mystic grill. "So how did you meet your family?" He asked I told him all about my past when we first came to New Orleans. How my sister went missing for a couple of days. These people out to hurt us and our dad being there for us when we needed him. When my mom had pasted out to everything else you can explain. "I'm sorry you had to go through that at a young age." He said and I smiled "So is your mom married?" He asked "Yeah she's finally with my dad. She never stopped loving him. I guess true love really does never die." I said and he laughed "So you're a vampire right?" I asked "Yeah my mom was one" He stated " And you are a-" "Tribrid" I finished for him. "What's a Tribrid?" He asked "Oh it's a vampire, werewolf,and witch. Im all three well me and my sisters. Our mom is a hybrid now she is the alpha of a pack here" I noted "I see well I have a sister her name is Megan she's adorable and five. I'm building her the tree house so she can't grow old on me." He said I laughed

After time we talked ate and then he walked me home to our old house. "Okay well this is me. I hop to see you at school tomorrow" I said "Yes miss Forbes" He said and I smiled "Oh and thanks for today I needed it a day to be normal" I said "No problem you have a good night Love" he said I walked inside my house to see Lizzy smiling at me. "What?" I asked "Where have you been this late?" Dad asked "It's 8 o'clock I was out with a friend." I said and walked to the couch "Did this friend have blonde hair and his face to hot to die for?" Auntie Bex asked "Yep" Lizzy said I used magic to pick up a pillow and threw it at her. "What a boy?" Dad said "Well what did you expect Nik you have three daughters no boys what so ever" Aunt bex said I nodded my head. "Yeah dad we all can't stay single for rest of our lives." Hope said "You're fifteen boys aren't in your vocabulary unless you want his head to go missing." He said "Technically me and Love are almost 16 and almost done with school" Lizzy added "If mom were here she would give us advice not ruin the mood with dumb judgments." I said and walked upstairs to go to bed. I knew this week was going to be long just wait till tomorrow comes every one is going to the lake and we aren't cause of day see now I want to kill myself. Our life sucks I hate living it.

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