Chapter 28

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They say it takes all of thirty days to get over a breakup. And with every breakup there are stages that people go through to get over it. One, desperate to be near them two, denial three, relapse four, anger and finally, you accept it. You fall through five stages before you finally accept it's over. It all takes up about thirty days. For some people, it could be longer. Some people get over it the very next day. It's a cycle everybody goes through. But what comes after the fifth stage? Do we move on and start somewhere new? Everyone handles a breakup differently. For Spencer, this is her way of handling a breakup.

Day 1

After Spencer got home from Toby's, she went upstairs and went straight to bed. Veronica was worried when he daughter didn't say a word. She just came home and went to bed. Morning came and Spencer still hasn't left her bed. How did she get herself sucked into this? She didn't like Toby at first and all of a sudden she's lying in a bed full of tissues crying for him. Part of her feels she did the right thing by letting him go, but another part of her wished he would come knocking on her door and begging for her to work things out with him. She wants to. Oh, she really wants to. They won't be able to be together with Ezra breathing down their necks. If it weren't for him, they'd still be together right now. Neither one of them would be miserable. The weird thing about this breakup is that Spencer hasn't cried yet. Instead, she feels numb.

Day 7

Spencer hasn't shown up for school in four days fearing that if she goes, she might run into Toby. It's been eight days and she still can't used to them being apart. Maybe if she stayed a little longer to try and work things out. Why did she let Ezra get to her? Why is Ezra such a controlling jerk? Why do they let him be a controlling jerk? Where is Toby in all of this? How is he doing? Across town, Toby Isn't doing much better.

"Spencer," Veronica knocked on her bedroom door.

Spencer mumbled something and buried her head under her pillow. Veronica knocked a second time. She almost walked away but decided to go inside anyway. When she open the door, she found her daughter sprawled out on her bed, piled under tons of blankets and pillows. Veronica came over and sat on the side of her bed.

"Spencer, honey, what happened between you and Toby?" No, reply. "I'm not leaving until I get an answer, Spencer. You guys looked so happy that time I saw you together."

Spencer sighed and rolled over to lay on her back.

"We broke up," her voice came out much raspier than usual.

Veronica looked surprised, "why? Did your father do something?"

"No," Spencer sat up and leaned back against the pillows. "I decided to break up with Toby to make thing easier for him. It's time for me to face facts. I'm a small town girl and he's a pop star." She laughed to herself and sniffled. "He deserves someone better than me. Someone, he can be seen in public with without having to hide them."

"Spencer, that's crazy," Veronica reached out and touched her daughter's shoulder. "Toby loves you and he doesn't care if you're not famous. He loves you for you."

"I know. I knew he wouldn't break up with me, but soon he'll realize that he deserves better. I saved both of us the trouble and ended it before anyone would get seriously hurt."

"And yet here you are lying in bed hurt."

"This is the right thing for Toby. He'll be okay. He's probably already moved on by now. He'll be just fine."

"Yeah, and what about you, honey?"

That's when it finally happened. Spencer leaned her head against her mother's shoulder and cried. Veronica wrapped her up and let her cry her little heart out. While she's here crying in bed, she imagines that Toby is doing just fine. He's not.

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