crazy little thing called love

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The first week back at school and Lee already yearned for summer.

Except this year, when summer did come, it would really be the rest of her life. Scary.

Lee did really like the new Defense teacher. He was a million times better than Lockhart was and much more immersive (and less evil) than Quirrell. It was a refreshing change, actually learning something.

Potions was a bitch. Snape had not relented in his torturing. Lee wished she didn't take the class. Was being an Auror really worth all this?

Transfiguration was fine. Same with Charms, Ancient Runes and Herbology. Care of Magical creatures was now a lot more interesting with Hagrid teaching it.

The only other class Lee had decided to bother with was Divination. Half because watching Trelwaney teach was quite hilarious and half because the subject had always interested her. The thought of predicting the future was something Lee had dreamed about. And she had already taken the class for four years, why not one more?

Percy had not taken an easy year and instead decided to fill up any free time he had with a class. Why? Lee didn't know. How? Lee was asking that herself. She had no idea how he was going to be able to cram all of his classes into one year.

She knew he would manage it, but it would be hell for him.

"Ophelia, you're staring again," Claire teased during lunch.

"He's my boyfriend, I'm allowed to stare," Lee replied. She knew she had been looking at Percy for a long time, but she couldn't bring herself to look away.

"I don't think anything will excuse staring at someone for twenty minutes."

"It has not been that long," Lee said, giving the other girl a light shove.

"You still haven't looked away."

To prove a point Lee looked her friend in the eye. Claire smirked when Lee turned back to Percy.

"Remind me to never fall in love, because honestly, this is disgusting."

"Don't be a jealous bitch, Claire."

"Shut up."


Lee's eyelids had never felt so heavy in her life. Usually she found Charms interesting, but something about Flitwick's lectures just made her drowsy.

Maybe it was because the chairs were deceivingly comfortable.

Or the fact that she didn't get much sleep the night before.

A horrible nightmare about a blood thirsty bunny had kept her from going back to sleep. Bunnies were supposed to be cute, but they definitely were not when they take a bite out of someone's neck.

That was probably the real reason.

Either way, Lee was about to start snoring or something else that was equally embarrassing.

Mariah nudged Lee (harder than necessary) once again, drawing her from the almost dreams she was having.

Lee glared at the roommate but tried to snap back to attention. The lecture had to be almost over. Lee began to doodle little circles to keep herself awake.

After an eternity, the bell rang, signifying class was over.

Lee and Mariah left together, heading towards their next class, which they also had together. Potions.

teenage dirtbag || percy weasley [HIATUS/ABANDONED]Where stories live. Discover now