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🐙 full name | Adair Daxx the Third

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🐙 full name | Adair Daxx the Third

🐙 gender, pronouns | Adair is a male giant squid, making him the giver of sperm for the women. Adair goes by many things like it, scary, wow, but his favorite is he.

🐙 age, mental age |  Adair is over the normal age of a giant squid at just seven years old. Giant squids only live to about five years old but if you mix it with him being a hybrid animal than he gets to live a few years longer. Which means, he is soon to die at any given moment. Adair's mental age grows while he grows extremely quickly. Right now, he is at the old age of thirty four, making him one of the oldest members in his tribe.

🐙 sexuality, ethnicity | Although our Adair will not say what type of person he likes more, he prefers the males over the females. The males are more feisty and do not throw fits, most do not throw fits, like the women he used to care for. Adair is also a switch in a relationship, making him like to take a tentacle or snap one off and give it to his lover. But he usually aims to being on top then rather on bottom. Adair would like to say that he is fully squid but that would be a lie. He is a mixture of mermaid and squid sperm. He was suppose to be a merman but the sperm did not work correctly and turned him into what he is today, a squid hybrid.

🐙 turn ons, turn offs |  Adair's tentacles are like his penis, and yes, he has a certain tentacle for the mating process, so he likes when you suck on them any time of the day, it gets him honey as fuck. He likes when you tease him about being bad and could even go for the Daddy Kink if you tried hard enough. Adair likes to be caressed on his face and told that he is extremely charming and beautiful and all of that good shit. It keeps him satisfied. Also, Adair likes extremely slow kisses, like the ones when you gently roll your tongue into his mouth and grind against him slowly, god that turns him on. He also likes to sometimes go against a cave and massage at each other while others are around, that's a kill shot for him. But, Adair also has many things he does not like. Like when you try to get a quicky out of him or just really fast pecks, he really doesn't like that. He wants everyone to know that the two of you are together and will be until either one of you break it off. Just don't try to be a fast slut to him, it's annoying.

🐙 height, weight | In human form Adair is six foot five but in his squid form he is well over eighteen feet. In Adair's human form he weighs about one hundred and eighty four pounds, while in his hybrid form he weighs, at an estimated, one thousand, five hundred pounds.

🐙 looks | 

🐙 shifter shapes, forms | Adair is able to switch into a full human but his tentacles would be changed into tattoos that cover his legs up and down, even reaching the tip of his big toe

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🐙 shifter shapes, forms | Adair is able to switch into a full human but his tentacles would be changed into tattoos that cover his legs up and down, even reaching the tip of his big toe. Adair is a squid, and that squid section only reaches up to his low hips, and then he is turned into a gorgeous man with fearless eyes.

🐙 personality | Adair is a bit overwhelmed. Meaning, he will just jump on you whenever he wants and wherever he wants. He loves to show his affection toward you in soft kisses and all of that whatnot but do not get me fooled, you have to dig deep to be able to accomplish what I have just told you. On the outside the squid is strict and likes to keep to himself, never wanting anyone in his business and just likes to be left alone. He will always be secluded but that does not mean he doesn't like to talk. He talks when he wishes to be spoken to. Adair is confusing to say the least, very confusing. His personality can change in a matter of seconds. But one thing that everyone knows already, is that Adair is slightly flirty. He likes to swipe one of his tentacles across yours lips and back you up against a wall to suck on his tentacles. A weirdo, indeed.

🐙 habits, phobias | Adair has a habit is curling his tentacles over something that is nearby him when he is nervous, meaning, that whatever is close to him may suffocate if it is alive. He doesn't mean to do it on props, it's just a habit. And a phobia of the old squid is sharks. He is absolutely scared of them and will never get over it, never will. He is just terrified of them because they have sharper teeth than he does and one of them ate his friends and just, he is terrified.

 He is just terrified of them because they have sharper teeth than he does and one of them ate his friends and just, he is terrified

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