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( This *** means important. )

Personally made for: unholyeden

🍰 full name | Rohan Abe

🍰 gender, pronouns | Rohan is a free male, he does not want a gender or pronouns. I'm not saying that he is a she/it, he just wears whatever he wants that day, even if it's girl clothes.

🍰 age, *mental age | Rohan is twenty seven years old and stays that way no matter what.

🍰 sexuality, ethnicity | Rohan is a homosexual man, only ever liking men and no women, his ethnicity is Caucasian-British. Rohan is also a bottom in any relationship of his.

🍰 turn ons, turn offs | Rohan is a sucker for a man that grabs him by the hips and kisses him (Rohan) on the shoulders, even the slightest of things can set the young man off. For example, biting your bottom lip can get him to give you heart eyes, caressing his face even if it was meant to be just a sweet touch, can set this dude off. He absolutely loves someone that can show him off in public, someone that could understand him no matter what. That's all he wants. And some turn offs are stinky people, like ew, and someone that doesn't have clean breath. Disgusting. And panting too loud is also a turn off like damn bro, breathe, calm down.

🍰 height, weight | Rohan is five six and weighs, maybe, one hundred and thirty eight pounds.

🍰 looks |

🍰 *background | Rohan grew up with money and power, neber having to worry about a thing

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🍰 *background | Rohan grew up with money and power, neber having to worry about a thing. He was never shunned for wearing girl's clothing and putting on lipstick. He was who he was and that was the end of it. After a few years after Rohan had graduated highschool, he began to notice this person from a coffee shop, and one day, he went up to the person and made a decent conversation, eventually giving his number to the person. He didn't expect that person to call him back but they did, oh they did. They talked for days on end, turning it years. Rohan was in love. But suddenly, the person stopped coming and Rohan waited for days, his heart slowly breaking into two. He cried for countless days, never getting over the cute man that stole his heart. But someone was by his side the whole time, James Middlerow. James was Rohan's best friend from the start and Rohan thought nothing of the soft touches and sweet kisses from James. Until James and him had had sex and Rohan turned up pregnant. Rohan didn't mind that James was the father and even told his family about the pregnancy, they were ecstatic and let Rohan move in with James. What a bad decision. James was a messy man within walls. With pizza boxes littering his floor and old clothes on the floor. Rohan can't go with wearing the same outfit twice because James made him wear his outfits for weeks on end.*** Disgusting. Rohan split their relationship, it was hard, but he still did it. James killed himself later that day. Rohan took a few steep steps before he was finally in the place he was with his wonderful daughter, Chester Middlerow.

🍰 shifter shapes, *forms | Rohan is a human, no matter what.

🍰 personality | Rohan is a sweet person. He likes to have fun with his baby girl and eat snacks with her on the couch. He is in the TAPS (Teacher and Parents Society) at school. He helps with fundraisers. Rohan is also very delicate and needs to be taken care of thoroughly. Sometimes he forgets to eat because he is making a new dress for his darling baby girl, or he can just be so tired that he forgets. He is a very forgetful person and that is one of the things he hates the most about himself.*** Now, don't be a downer on him, he also has some amazing things that he can do. He is just an overall free-spirited person. He would never care if his daughter turned into a tattoo seeking lesbian, he would love her (and anyone/thing) no matter what.

🍰 habits, phobias | Rohan has a thing about new clothes, he has to always have new clothes, always. Even if it's an outfit a week, he has to have new clothes, always. He has no phobias at the moment.

🍰💓 Rohan's Prize and Angel |

This is Chester and she is Rohan's daughter

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This is Chester and she is Rohan's daughter. She is five years old and likes you discover the Earth around her. She is very adventurous but sometimes like to stay inside with her "Mamooshie" and relax. To not pressure her for anything because she will not give it to you, only her Mamooshie.

 To not pressure her for anything because she will not give it to you, only her Mamooshie

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