Another Transfer Student

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It was midway through the first term at PK Academy and Class 3 was buzzing with the discussion about the new transfer student that was going to be joining the class.

"Hey, I heard there's going to be a new transfer student coming in today from America." A male student told his male friend and classmate next to him.

'Oh great, another transfer student. Do you guys even remember what happened when we met the last couple transfer students?' Saiki thought to himself with a very unenthusiastic look on his face.

"Really? Is the student a boy or a girl?" His friend asked.

"I heard the student is a girl." The student answered his friend.

"Awesome! I hope she's hot. Wait, you said she's from America right?" The friend asked.

"Yeah, why?" The student confirmed.

"That means she most likely doesn't know Japanese." The friend pointed out.

"Oh you're probably right. Damn, how are we going to communicate with her?" The student said with a frustrated look in his face. The teacher came into the classroom and turned to the class.

"Okay class, I have an announcement to make. We have a new transfer student from America joining us. She will be here in about two minutes. Please make her feel welcome in this learning environment." The teacher said as the buzz from everyone talking quickly died down and became silence. However to Saiki, the classroom was still noisy due to his psychic ability to read everyone's thoughts within a 200 meter radius of himself. Most of the thoughts Saiki read were about the student's appearance.

'I hope this chick is hot as hell!' A male student thought with high hopes.

'God, if you're listening then please, if this new girl is hot, make her fall in love with me!' Another male student prayed.

'Oh someone is listening, but it's not God. Even if God was listening, He wouldn't force a girl fall in love with you.' Saiki thought to himself.

'I'm guessing that all the guys in this classroom are hoping that this transfer student is extremely attractive. Sorry boys, but no girl can ever exceed my beauty. I am the perfect pretty girl after all.' Teruhashi thought to herself with a godlike level of narcissism.

'Where are you getting all that confidence from? I hate to admit it, but Teruhashi is hard to beat in looks and behavior. But her true perception of herself and others is almost sickening.' Saiki thought to himself.

'This girl is from America, right? She probably doesn't know much Japanese. That means she'll have a hard time making friends and an even harder time getting a boyfriend. Well I usually don't think about it, but now that I am, I don't have much luck on finding the right boyfriend either. I mean I either get ignored by the boys I like or I get crappy boyfriends. Maybe we can be friends because we both have bad luck with boys.' Yumehara thought with a small smile spread on her face, liking the idea of having a new friend with something in common.

'Don't just assume she has bad luck with guys. But at least Yumehara's not focused on comparing how the new student's appearance may be to her own, unlike somebody.' Saiki thought as he accusingly glanced at a certain narcissistic blue haired girl before looking over toward the doorway, somewhat curious himself.

"Oh, here she is! Please come in and introduce yourself to the class." The teacher said as you walked into the classroom. The entire class's mouths dropped open. Saiki raised his eyebrows. He was surprised at what he saw as you walked through the doorway. Usually, he saw other people as moving skeletons or as a living breathing versions of the muscle person in anatomy textbooks. But with you, he saw you like everyone else saw you. The class was silent, but not to you since you were a psychic so you could read everyone's thoughts.

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