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Kusuo had just dropped you off at home from walking together after school. Just before he left, he invited you over to his house after school tomorrow for another study session. Of course you accepted his offer and parted ways for the day. The next day you got ready and left for school like normal. On your way to school, you saw Kusuo walking to school as well.

"Hey Kusuo!" You said loudly to catch his attention. Kusuo turned his head to face you and smiled lightly when he saw you.

"Morning (f/n). Did you sleep well?" Kusuo asked you as you nodded your head yes in response to his question.

"Yeah I did. I can't wait for after school today. I'm really looking forward to coming over to your house. I'd like to see the inside of the rest of your house. I mean I've seen your bedroom when we... you know." You said as you blushed lightly from the memory of when you and Kusuo both lost your virginities to each other two days ago. Kusuo blushed a little too at the same memory from his perspective, not from reading your mind.

"My house isn't very impressive inside. It's pretty average actually." Kusuo said as you just giggled a little bit.

"I don't care about how extravagant your house is, silly. I just want to be able to spend time with you at your house. It'll be nice to see your parents again too." You said as you gently grabbed Kusuo's hand in yours and squeezed it lightly. Kusuo blushed a bit, surprised at himself that he didn't mind you holding his hand. The rest of the way to school, you and Kusuo held hands while talking with each other. When the two of you approached the school together hand-in-hand, several students seemed to notice.

"Hey buddy! Want to come with me to this ramen shop I heard about after school?" Nendou asked Kusuo as he approached the two of you.

"I have plans with (f/n) after school today." Kusuo said straightforwardly to Nendou as he stood there silently with a stupidly blank expression on his face before it turned into a smirk.

"I see. Well you two have fun after school. See ya in class buddy!" Nendou said as he winked before heading off to class. Kusuo looked at Nendou with a confused look on his face while you blushed slightly because you could read Nendou's mind. He was more of a pervert than you thought. Kusuo noticed your blush and he nudged your arm with his elbow to get your attention.

"What is it?" Kusuo asked you and you shook your head.

"You gave Nendou the wrong idea when you said that you and I have plans after school today. Or rather... he translated it wrong in his mind." You said as Kusuo still looked a little confused. He forgot you could read everyone's minds and animals minds, even bug minds. You whispered to Kusuo what you saw when you read Nendou's mind. Kusuo blushed a little then shot a death glare in the direction Nendou went when he left for class. As the school day wore on, you and Kusuo noticed people whispering to each other when you or Kusuo's backs were turned. They stopped when either of you walked in their direction. But it didn't matter anyways because you were both psychics. Yours and Kusuo's fears had come to life: Nendou started a rumor that you two were going to have sex at his house after school. That guy really was an idiot. Geez! You don't just assume something like that and tell everyone about it. It was 7th period and Kusuo was sitting in his seat like normal, waiting for class to start. A group of guys in Kusuo's class were in a corner of the classroom whispering to each other.

"Hey Kaido, did you hear that Kusuo invited (f/n) to his house after school today? And that they're going to do that tonight." Takahashi said to Kaido.

"Really?! Kusuo doesn't seem like the type of person to do that sort of thing." Kaido responded to Takahashi.

"Yeah but he did warm up to (f/n). He's still pretty antisocial towards us, not to mention how fast he warmed up to her. He doesn't seem like the type to get close to anyone really. But he surprised us." Hairo pointed out.

"Based on those two's behavior towards each other, they might've already done it." Kuboyasu said, cupping his chin in his hand. Kaido looked in Kusuo's direction and blushed at the thought of Kusuo getting it on with you. He was a bit jealous too.

'I can't believe it! Saiki actually has a hot girlfriend and might've even lost his virginity already.' Kaido thought with jealously as he glanced towards Kusuo with a flustered look on his face.

~Time Skip~

The last bell of the day rang, signaling the end of the school day. You were waiting for Kusuo at the front entrance of the school. You could tell Kusuo was approaching the front entrance of the school. Nothing screams Kusuo more than murderous thoughts aimed towards Nendou after what he did today. You saw Kusuo come out of the front door of the school with a scowl on his face. You waved at him and called his name. When he noticed you, a faint smile replaced the scowl.

"Hi (f/n). Ready to go to my house?" Kusuo asked, holding his hand out to you as you nodded your head yes and took his hand. You walked hand in hand to Kusuo's house, talking about your school day along the way.

"Did you notice that we're the talk of the school lately?" You asked Kusuo.

"Yes. I overheard all the dirty rumors Nendou started about us planning to have sex tonight. One of these days, I'm going to kill him." Kusuo said as he frowned.

"They're just rumors. It's not like they're true or anything." You said, rubbing Kusuo's shoulder to make him feel a little better. For some reason the feeling of your touch made him feel warm inside. Shortly, Kusuo stopped in front of a two story house surrounded by a brick wall with a gate to the yard.

"Well, here we are." Kusuo said as he pushed open the gate and lead you to the front door and opened it. He gestured for you to go inside first, which you did. Kusuo's father Kuniharu was sitting on the couch watching TV. When he heard the front door close, he turned the TV down and turned towards the two of you.

"Welcome home Kusuo. Oh, and hello (f/n)." Kuniharu greeted both of you. You smiled and waved at Kusuo's father.

"Dad, (f/n) and I are going to have a study session here. Where's Mom?" Kusuo said to his father.

"Mama went to get some groceries for tonight's dinner. She'll be back soon." Kuniharu responded as he turned around and went back to watching TV. Kusuo then turned to you and headed to the steps and motioned for you to follow him. He gave you a house tour then you guys went to his bedroom to study.


Thanks for reading chapter 8 of "An Unexpected Lover" my Saiki Kusuo X Reader fan fiction series. Geez that Nendou. He really is an idiot... and a bit of a pervert. Well I just assumed he was. He did search for porn magazines in Kaido's room that one time.

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