First Impression Part 2

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(m/n) = mom's name
(d/n) = dad's name

"Don't screw this up, either of you! And remember, (f/n) is a psychic too so no weird or dirty thoughts."Kusuo said firmly as he glared at both his parents.

"Okay, okay! We won't do anything to embarrass you!" Both Kuniharu and Kurumi nervously said simultaneously as Kusuo narrowed his eyes. The three of them then entered the dining room where you and your family were waiting. You then walked over towards Kusuo's parents to introduce them to your family.

"Mom, dad, (b/n), this is Saiki Kurumi, Kusuo's mother and Saiki Kuniharu, Kusuo's father. Kurumi, Kuniharu, this is my mom (m/n) (l/n), my dad (d/n) (l/n), and my older brother (b/n) (l/n). You introduced everyone, gesturing to them as you said their names.

"It's nice to meet you!" Kuniharu said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you very much for having us over for dinner." Kurumi thanked your family while bowing politely.

"Oh Saiki is the last name, right? Back in America, our name customs are reversed. And don't worry about it, it's no big deal, really. I made extra food because I was planning on having Saiki, sorry I mean Kusuo, over for dinner. Then he mentioned that you guys were looking for him. So I figured if you were nearby, we'd invite you too." Your mother explained to Kurumi who giggled a little.

"Well that's really kind and thoughtful of you." Kurumi replied, smiling brightly.

"Please have a seat wherever you'd like. I hope you like what's for dinner. This is (f/n)'s and (b/n)'s favorite meal." Your father said, gesturing at the table as everyone picked a seat at the rectangular table and sat. Your mom and dad were at one end of the table, Kusuo's parents sat on the opposite end of the table. You and Kusuo sat beside each other on one of the long sides of the table with you closer to your parents and Kusuo closer to his parents. Your brother sat in his wheelchair across from you and Kusuo on the other long side of the table.

"So (b/n), was it? What happened to your legs?" Kuniharu asked as everyone started serving themselves food.

"That's not really a question you start a conversation with during dinner, Dad." Kusuo scolded his father who waved his hands around nervously as a bead of sweat formed on his forehead.

"I-I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to sound insensitive!" Kuniharu apologized nervously. Your brother just sighed.

"It's fine. I'll tell you about the accident that made me like this. It happened a long time ago when we still lived in America." (b/n) said as he started to tell the story. Kusuo's parents sat there listening in shock.

"We're really sorry for your losses." Kurumi said her regards as she raised her hands, met them together and bowed.

"Before the incident, (f/n) was actually quite an outgoing social butterfly who loved to share the fact that she was a psychic. But after that day she became a quiet and secluded individual, not opening up to anyone. She started to get extremely nervous around others. Even though (b/n) had both his legs amputated, he never held (f/n) responsible and tried to reassure her that he wasn't mad at her. He didn't want the burden of his injury to weigh on her further. He made it his obligation to protect (f/n) whenever he could and ward away anyone who tried to approach her in order to prevent her from getting panic attacks. Of course it's gotten harder for (f/n) to avoid attracting attention as she's grown up. As you can see, her beauty radiates from her in a bright aura. But it's not just her looks, her personality is flawless too!" Your father revealed more about your older brother and you (maybe a bit too much for your comfort) to Kusuo's parents as he brought his hands up to his blushing face and swayed from side to side with fatherly pride.

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