Something Seems Off

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Kusuo was about to head home from your house with his parents. Your parents had invited Kusuo and his parents over for dinner. After dinner both yours and Kusuo's parents went to the living room to socialize, your brother went to his room to study and the two of you went to your room and played a video game and somehow ended up having sex too.

"I had a lot of fun with you today. I never thought I would enjoy hanging out with anyone, much less lose my virginity to them." Kusuo admitted as you smiled and blushed slightly.

"Yeah, same. I never thought I'd warm up to someone so quickly and end up having sex with them on the same day we met. But I'm glad we did. It just means we're closer to each other than anyone else could and will ever be." You said as you grabbed Kusuo's arm and leaned your head against Kusuo's shoulder, smiling up at him since he was a little taller than you.

"Heh, I never thought I'd say this to anyone, but I love you." Kusuo chuckled, smiling back.

"Hehe, it looks like you and I are unexpected lovers." You said, leaning up and kissing Kusuo's cheek which made him blush a little.

"I love you too Kusuo." You confessed again.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school." Kusuo said as he packed up his stuff and headed downstairs where his parents were waiting for him.

"Yeah, see you!" You said cheerfully as Kusuo looked up to you and nodded his head.

~Time Skip~

It was the beginning of the school day and you had just arrived at the front of the school. You saw Kusuo approaching the school as well. Your glowing aura brightened when you spotted him.

"Hey Kusuo!" You said as you ran up to him and tackle hugged him. Your classmates all stared and some whispered. Teruhashi gave the two of you a jealous glare.

'Isn't that the new transfer student. Why is she getting all friendly with Saiki all of the sudden? She's even calling him by his first name.' A classmate thought to himself.

'No fair Saiki! Having a beauty hug you like that!' Toritsuka thought, surging with jealousy as he watched Kusuo accept your hug.

'That witch! Trying to steal my Saiki from me! But something seems off. He's not avoiding her at all. Could it be that Kusuo likes (f/n)? No, that can't be. (f/n) just transferred to this school yesterday. Saiki barely knows her.' Teruhashi thought to herself as she began to worry a little.

'I am not a witch and I'm not trying to steal Kusuo, we just naturally click. Besides, Kusuo chose to be with me. He could have said no if he wanted to.' You thought in response to Teruhashi's mental comment.

"Morning (f/n). You seem to be doing well today." Kusuo said as you let go of him and beamed at him.

"Yeah I'm looking forward to a full day of school. Yesterday I came to school during the middle of the school day. I hope I have more classes with you." You said, smiling brightly at Kusuo, causing his heart to flutter a little. He really did love your smile.

"We will. Unless we have different electives, we should have all the same classes." Kusuo said with a faint smile on his face. Everyone was staring at you and Kusuo conversing with each other. Mainly because your beauty and glowing aura attracted attention, even more than Teruhashi's aura. Kusuo just ignored the stares and whispers as he focused on talking to you. Just then, the bell rang to start the school day.

"I see. Well that's quite different from my high school back in America." You said to Kusuo as you headed off to your first class along with everyone else.

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