Time with You

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You and Kusuo just arrived at his house from school. His father was watching TV while his mother was out grocery shopping. He gave you a short house tour then you both headed up the stairs to his bedroom to have a study session.

~Time Skip~

You were both working on biology homework, going over a study guide for the test tomorrow. Kusuo couldn't help but stare at you most of the time. He was careful not to think anything while he stared because you were a psychic like him.

"So the mitochondria acts like the powerhouse of the cell. And the ribosomes' job is to... hey Kusuo, are you listening? You've been staring at me a lot. We have a test tomorrow you know." You said as Kusuo's trance was broken.

"I know. Sorry, I'm a little distracted." Kusuo said as he looked you in the eyes. You sighed and got up.

"Let's take a short break, okay? We've been studying for a while now. Do you have any coffee jelly? I'm really craving some right now." You said as Kusuo got up too.

"Yeah there's some downstairs in the fridge." Kusuo said as you nodded and headed downstairs to the kitchen. Normally, Kusuo wouldn't share his coffee jelly with anyone but with you it was different. When you got to the kitchen, you saw Kusuo's mother was back from her errand. She was making dinner.

"Oh hello (f/n)! I didn't know you were here." Kusuo's mother greeted you as you opened the fridge and pulled out two coffee jelly tubs.

"Hey Kurumi. Yeah me and Kusuo are having a study session here. I'm just getting some coffee jelly for the two of us to snack on. Could you please tell me where the spoons are? Sorry for just using your kitchen like this." You said as Kusuo's mother just smiled at you.

"Oh, it's fine. You're welcome in our home, sweetie. They're in that drawer over there. Say, would you like to stay over for dinner?" Kusuo's mother asked you as she pointed to the silverware drawer.

"I'd love to stay for dinner. Thank you so much!" You said politely as you used your telekinetic powers to open the drawer and get out two spoons. You then headed upstairs to Kusuo's bedroom with the spoons and coffee jelly. Kusuo was huddled up under the kotatsu waiting for your return.

"Your mother invited me to stay for dinner." You said as you handed Kusuo a tub of coffee jelly and a spoon.

"Yeah my mom is pretty open to guests in our house. It makes her happy when I hang out with others. When she met my classmates, she was really happy to know that I had 'friends' at school." Kusuo said, making air quotes when he said the word friends.

"Why did you air quote the word friends?" You asked Kusuo, tilting your head to the side in a confused manner. Kusuo crawled out from under the kotatsu and sat next to you.

"I don't really consider my classmates friends. They're mainly nuisances to me. You're the only one that I actually consider a friend." Kusuo explained as he moved his hand to yours and placed it on top, making you blush and giggle a little.

"Really?" You asked as Kusuo as he squeezed your hand lightly with a small gentle smile.

"Really. And you're not just my friend. You're my girlfriend." He replied as he leaned in closer until your lips met in a sweet kiss. It seemed like sparks flew when your lips touched, sending a pleasant electric shock through both your bodies. The kiss grew more intense as the both of you got swept away into the mood. Heat began pooling in your lower regions. Kusuo's pants were becoming increasingly tight as his arousal strained to break free from its fabric prison. Suddenly, there was a knock on Kusuo's bedroom door which startled the two of you.

"Oh Ku, (f/n), dinner's ready!" Kusuo's mother called through the door.

'Damn, it was just getting good.' You thought as Kusuo pulled back in disappointment. This interruption made Kusuo realize just how precious time with you was and how much he valued it. Disappointed, you both stood up and headed downstairs to join Kusuo's mother and father for dinner.


Thanks for reading chapter 9 of "An Unexpected Lover" my Saiki Kusuo X Reader fan fiction series. This chapter is unusually short, word count being 753. Usually the word count is at least 1,000 words.

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