Safe - Yang Jeongin Imagine

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Synopsis: As a trained professional, you had been assigned to the task of keeping singer, Yang Jeongin safe and protected. Unfortunately for you, the job was going to be a lot harder than you had imagined.

Genre: Fluff, Bodyguard! AU

Pairing: JeonginxReader

Word Count: 3.6k+

A/N: In collaboration with @ hey-hey-chan, @ changbeanie and @ doublekn0t on Tumblr! Go check out their fics because they're amazing! This is also hella unedited because it's near 3 am so I'm so sorry. Feel free to just correct me and criticize me for my terrible grammar and spelling mistakes lmao. I'll possibly fix this... one day.. Lo siento. This is like... 3k words of nothing asdghjkl.

"What?" You exclaimed, standing up and slamming a hand down on the desk in front of you. "What do you mean I have to be a bodyguard for some singer?"

The head of your department sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, not wanting to deal with any of your dramatics. "Y/N, you have no assignments as of the moment. Plus, the manager of the singer was begging for someone well trained to protect the boy, and they were willing to pay any amount. You could be paid triple figures for this assignment if you really wanted."

"With all due respect sir, I wholeheartedly believe that my talents and skills can be used else where. I don't think that following around a teenage boy all day is going to do much for me," You argued. This job was most definitely not meant for you. Some other rookie could take this job instead. You were one of the most well trained employees in the company. Instead of following around a singer every second of the day and making sure that they don't get a boo boo, you could be fighting gangs and drug dealers.

"Y/N," your boss sighed for what seemed like the 10th time in the duration of your 5 minute meeting. "You just came back from a heavy assignment. I think that this one job would be alright for you to simply relax and take things slow for a while until we desperately need you again."

"I don't think that this would be the best way to relax-"

"So in that case," you were cut off from finishing your sentence. "The manager of the singer said that the boy is quite rowdy and needs to be on constant watch so that the press don't see him in a bad light, and so that he doesn't get himself hurt. For two months, you will be the bodyguard of the singer Yang Jeongin, who is apart of a group called Stray Kids. Within that time period, you will be 'tested', essentially. If Jeongin's manager believes that you are doing well, then you will be asked to extend your assignment. If not, then you can come back to us. But for the sake of your job, and for the sake of your reputation, I hope that you get the extension."

"Is that a threat?" You quirked an eyebrow at the man sitting in front of you as you weighed the options out within your head. Something about this entire assignment sounded like an ultimatum; do well and keep your job. Do a terrible job, and you may just need to pack your things from your desk as you soon as you come back.

"Well, let's just say that it's a small promise with two very different types of options," Your boss smiled grimly at you. "Now go off and pack, you'll be traveling around with the boys as they go about their concert tour."

Within the next day, you were already shipped off onto an airplane to meet the boys in whatever city they were performing in next. On the plane, you read the debriefing of all the material that you needed to know in order to properly complete your assignment. What the boys' names were, how old each of them were, and more. But the thing that caught you eye was the fact that Jeongin, the youngest member, had a page long description about what he was like, what he liked to do, but also the fact that he had a target on his back. A couple of days prior to you being assigned the job, there was a rumor going around online that Jeongin would be targeted in one of their upcoming concerts. Of course, it could simply be a hoax, but one could never be too sure.

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