Chapter Four

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Hayes and I both sat in the back and talked about the randomest things.

"So if Iron Man and Spiderman were in a fight who would win?" I asked him.

"Iron Man He's got is awesome suit," Hayes said back.

"Well yeah, but Spiderman's got webs shooting out of his hands so he automatically wins."

"Bullcrap," Hayes said exasperated. Iron Man is cooler,"

"Mom, tell Hayes he's wrong," I complained.

"Wow, Jessi," Hayes groaned. My mom turned up the radio and pretended not to hear us. We decided to drop the conversation then and there since we were getting close to the mall. We finally pulled into the parking lot and my mom let us out there.

"I'll pick you guys up in about three hours." it was 4:00 so that gave us until 7:00, which was more than enough time to walk around.

I said bye and we walked towards the entrance. I totally forgot that we could get bombarded by a bunch of teenge girls because, well, Hayes Grier.

We walked into the mall and surprisingly we weren't swarmed. We walked cautiously towards the food court when someone in the distance screamed out, "OH MY GOD ITS HAYES GRIER," which attracted dozens of other girls.
Way to go, I mentally cursed at the girl.

I slowly backed away from Hayes as he took picture after picture with his fans. No one wants to take pictures with a potato like me. I saw an older girl, maybe fifteen or sixteen, walk over and stand by me.

"They're crazy, aren't they," she said to me.

"Tell me about it," I sighed. He's been home for less than twelve hours and we can't have a decent time together. Sometimes I wish he weren't famous.

"Why aren't you over there getting all up on him?" the mystery girl asked me.

"Believe me, he's not all he's cracked up to be." She looked at me confused. "We've been best friends forever, so yeah.."

We talked for a while and I learned her name was Brooke. She seemed like a lot of fun to be with so we exchanged numbers and planned to meet up again soon.

Ten minutes later the swarm of teenage girls started thinning out so I walked over to a smoothie shop and grabbed us some Smoothies. I got Hayes a strawberry banana smoothie while I got myself a strawberry pomegranate one.

By the time I got back, there was one more girl with him so I offered to take their picture for them. She got really close to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. For some reason that really bugged me but I just smiled and took their picture. I handed the girl's phone back to her.

"Cute," I said sarcastically to her. She just giggled and walked away. I almost gagged.

I handed Hayes his smoothie and we started walking around again.

"Look, I'm really sorry that happened." Hayes said.

"Don't be. You were gonna run into fans at some point. Better now than later," I replied stiffly.

"Yeah, I know but this was supposed to be time for us to hang out." I just sipped on my smoothie. "And that last girl you took the picture for? You seemed kinda-"

"Hayes, really. It's fine, it's over, okay?" I said. "I pinky promise."

Pinky Promise has kinda been our thing since we were six. It's kind of dumb but it's ours. We linked pinkies and shook our wrists. We laughed as he threw his arm around my shoulders pulling me to his side. I wrapped my smoothie free arm around his torso.

"Soo... about that new penny board?" 

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