Chapter Twelve

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Sunday I spent the whole day with my true love.

My bed!

I slept forever and binge watched shows on Netflix the entire day. It was just a simple day to myself.

Monday morning I felt really sick. It was probably because I sat around all day yesterday. And I also forgot to eat. I could barely move.

I rolled over on my side and grabbed my phone from the side table. It was only 9:30. I tossed my phone back on the table and clutched my stomach and groaned. It was still kind of early so I decided to sleep a little more.

As I was just about to drift off I heard my phone go off, indicating a new message. I sighed heavily and checked it. It was from Hayes.

H: Hey! Ready to get your puppy? (:

I almost forgot! I was gonna reply but I passed out. Sorry Hayes.


"Wake up!" Someone was trying to shake me awake.

"Jessi, come on! It's already two in the afternoon," someone said. I was still half asleep so I couldn't make out who it was.

All of a sudden I felt someone's lips on mine. I fluttered my eyes open to see Hayes's face right above mine. He was smiling wide.

"Good afternoon, sunshine!" he said cheerily.

I sat up and got suddenly dizzy. I had the sudden urge to puke.

"Hey. You don't look so good, are you alright?" Hayes asked me.

I didn't want to open my mouth and speak in fear of hurling all over him so I just shook my head violently and ran to my bathroom.

After I... you know... yeah... I walked over to my bed and threw myself on it.

"Hey, you okay? Look at me," Hayes cooed. I sat up and faced him. He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead then to my cheek.

"You're burning up," he said. I moaned and slammed my face into my pillow and wiggled under my blanket.

Hayes layed down next to me. "You want me to get you some water?"

I peeked my face out a little bit so I could see him and said yeah.

He rubbed my arm before getting up to get me water. I whimpered and clutched my stomach. I felt like complete crap. I shut my eyes for a minute before I heard Hayes coming up the stairs.

"Hey. Wake up!" Hayes said. I opened one eye and saw he was holding a box.

"I asked for one water bottle not a whole case," I moaned. He walked over to my bed and set the water on my side table.

"No, silly. Its Margo!" He said excitedly. He sat on my bed and opened the small cardboard box. I sat up just a little. A whimper and rustling came from it and out popped a tiny fluffy head.

"Aww oh my gosh!" I said breathlessly. The idea of Hayes buying me a puppy was still mind blowing. Hayes picked up the tiny puppy from the box and pet it.

"Your very own companion," He said. "Just because I love you." He set the puppy on my lap and it began nuzzling my hands, wanting me to pet her.

"You truly are the best," I told him and reached over to hug him. We played with the puppy for awhile. Then Hayes asked, "You feeling any better?"

"A little," I responded. I grabbed the bottle of water from my side table and took a sip. I still felt nauseous but the puppy made it better.

"That's good to hear," he said happily. My mom came up to my room soon after.

"Hey honey. I need to get Margo her shots then we need to get her food. You guys wanna come?"

I shook my head, "No. I'm feeling really sick today."

"Oh, what's wrong?" my mom asked as she walked over and felt my forehead.

"Just a little nauseous," I said.

"Oh well alright. If you need anything just make Hayes do it," she said. He frowned and we all laughed. She took Margo to get her thing done and left me and Hayes.

"My mom just jacked my puppy," I said sadly.

"Haha, she'll be back. In the mean time you need rest."

Hayes scooted next to me and I picked up my laptop from the end of my bed. I logged into my Netflix account and clicked on White Chicks.

I set it between the both of us and then nuzzled into Hayes. He wrapped his arm around me protectively and looked down at me. I looked up at him and saw he had a sad look in his eyes.

I was about to ask what was wrong when he pressed his lips to mine.

"I'm gonna get you sick," I said after he kissed me.

"Its alright," he said softly. "You're worth everything I've got." Then he faced the screen and watched the movie.

And that was the last time I kissed Hayes Grier.

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