Chapter Ten

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When he grabbed my hand I couldn't pull away. I guess now that he knows I like him I don't have to pretend anymore. I still need to know what his feelings are for me. Friends... or more?

When we got to his house I finally let go of his hand because I didn't want his brother or his mom or Cameron to see. He opened the door and we walked in. Cameron, Nash, and Skylynn were in the living room watching some show.

"Hey, Mom was worried about you guys. We had no idea where you were," Nash said.

"JESSI!" Skylynn screamed before running up to me and giving me the squashiest hug a five year old could give.

"Hey, Sky!" I said. "You guys moved to L.A. right?"

"Yeah, but Nash and I are staying here until this Friday," Cameron told me.

"Oh, um I wanna talk to you guys about that," I said. I want Nash and Cameron and the other Magcon and 26 management members to be at Hayes's party.

What I had planned was Saturday we all spend the day at the amusement park then later that evening we have a huge celebration at the lake. Barbeque, cake, jet skiing and fireworks. I wanted to ask Nash if he could see how many of the boys could make it.

"Oh. Why?" Nash asked me.

"I need to tell you privately," I said.

Hayes, Cameron and Skylynn looked at me weird.

Nash just shrugged. "Okay."

I checked my phone and it was already almost 11:00. Golly gosh what do I even do with my life?

I hung out with Hayes, Nash, Cameron, and Skylynn for a while and their mom made us all lunch.

By noon I decided to head home because I needed to meet up with Hollie at the mall. I said goodbye to everyone and walked out the front door.

When I got home I plopped down on the couch and flipped through channels on the TV to see if anything good was on. There wasn't so I turned on my Xbox and logged onto Netflix and watched world war Z.


After the movie was over I checked my phone after I calmed down from fangirling and it was 1:45. I also checked the weather and it was nice and sunny so I went upstairs and pulled off my hoodie before putting on a loose orange floral tank top.

My mom wasn't home at the moment and my dad was so I asked my him if he could drive me to the mall. We jumped in his car and took off.

Ten minutes later we arrived at the mall and he told me he or Mom would pick me up around 4. That gave me about two hours to hang out with Hollie.

I walked in through the food court and searched for Hollie. I was late by like five minutes so she was probably already here. After walking around the tables I saw her sitting alone with Starbucks and typing on her phone. She hadn't noticed me yet so I texted her to look up and she did.

"You are literally two feet away from me. You could've just said to look up, you know, verbally?" she said and laughed.

"Yeah well I'm complicated and idiotic," I replied.

I sat across from her and said, "So did you need to tell me something or did you want to hang out?"

"Both. One, I miss you and we never do anything anymore. And two, I like Hayes," she said.

Oh nuh-uh.

"Okay. I missed you too and I kind of already knew you liked him," I said slowly.

"Soo. You should hook us up. After all, you are his best friend. He'll do almost anything you want."

My Best Friend *Hayes Grier Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now