Chapter Seventeen

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This summer was going by too fast. It felt like just yesterday I picked Hayes up at the airport.

It was almost August and school started the 19th. I was pretty bummed. The good news is tomorrow the girls who tried out for volleyball are going back up to the gym tomorrow to see if they made the team if if they were cut.

I wasn't really worried. Over the past few weeks Hollie has been trying to do anything to make sure I don't make the team. She tried breaking my ankle once by rolling a ball near my feet when I was serving.

She's terrible! Luckily I still have a few friends who hated her as much as I do. They were there for me to make sure she didn't try anything funny.


Aaron and I went on our first official date last weekend!!

We went with Nash and Brooke too. Yeah, they're together! I feel really proud of myself.

For the date, Nash, Aaron, Brooke and I drove out in a field in the middle of the night and had a picnic in the bed of the truck. Then we watched stars for a little bit before I crashed on Aaron.

As far as I know I was the only one who fell asleep. Oops.

But it was a fun date. Aaron and I are going to an amusement park together this weekend and I'm super excited.


Today I was gonna go into volleyball practice to see if I was on the team. I threw on some Nike Pros and a red coca-cola T-shirt and stuffed my gym bag with shoes, my volleyball and a water bottle.

I stuffed my phone in the side.pocket and my mom drove me to the school.

Dozens of girls were crowded in the gym around the bulletin board. A few were sitting on the bleachers crying. I honestly couldn't blame them.

I pushed my way through the crowd to where the list was pinned.

This is what I saw.

Dear girls of Davidson Day school.
Listed below are the names of girls who have made the team. However if your name is not printed below please know that doesn't mean you are a bad player. Every girl who tried out has potential and we are happy you tried out.

1.Hollie Martinez

2. Brooklyn Smith

3. Ana Tanas

4. Ariana Skye

5. Jessi Adams

I had stopped looking when I saw my name. I squealed and skipped over to the ball rack and just started hitting them over the net.

One of my good friends Anna came.up to me.

"What's up teammate?" She said excitedly.

"Nothing much, teammate!" I squealed. We were both on the same team and I couldn't wait for the season to start.


After practice I dragged myself into my mom's car.

"Hey, how was practice?" she asked me.

"Terrible!" I groaned. These coaches don't play around.

The first half hour of practice was spent with Shaun T. So I was almost dead before I even got through half the practice.

Then I had volleyballs spiked at my face while I was supposed to dive for them. After that we practiced serving so mu arms and legs felt like they were about to fall off.

My Best Friend *Hayes Grier Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now