Chapter Six

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I woke up the next morning at around 11:30. I can't believe I slept for almost 14 hours. I walked into my bathroom to pee and wash my face. Afterwards I re-did my bun and grabbed my toothbrush and my phone then walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I shuffled over to where my mom was and wrapped my toothbrush free arm around her.

"Goodmorning, sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" my mom asked pausing her breakfast making.

"Good," I tried to say without spitting toothpaste all over the pancake batter.

"How late did you and Hayes stay up?" she asked returning to her work.

"About 9:15," I mumbled. "Be right back." I went to spit out the toothpaste and went back downstairs to my mom.

"That's good. I'll let you go finish getting ready then I'll call you when the pancakes are done."

"Okay." I walked over to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I turned the TV on and flipped through the channels until I found Adventure Time.

My phone started buzzing, indicating that someone was calling me, and I saw it was my last year's volleyball coach, Brea.

"Hey! What's up?" I said.

"Not much. I was just calling to let you know open gym for volleyball starts this afternoon at 3:00. Also, since some of the girls trying out for the team have never played I want you and a few other 8th  graders to teach them basic moves and rules."

"Oh, no problem. If you want I'll come down half an hour early to help set up," I said eager to start volleyball again.

"That would be great! Thanks so much. I'll see you this afternoon," Brea said.

"Awesome! See you then!" Then I hung up.

My mom called me to the kitchen for pancakes and I told her about volleyball. I told her I would just long board to the school since we didn't live too far from the school.

I snarfed down four pancakes then ran up to my room to get changed. It was already noon so I had a little time before I had to be at the gym.

I logged into all my social media accounts and scrolled through my news feed for a while.

Then I got a text from Hayes.

Hayes: Hey what's up?

Me: Not much just sitting around.

H: Well do you wanna go do something?

M: Can't. Volleyball starts at 3

H: Ohh...

M: I mean you could always come with me if you want (;

H: Um no. I don't play volleyball Haha

M: Well you're gonna learn because my friend you don't have a choice.

H: Haha whatever. I'll meet you at the gym

Its 12:30 now so I decided to get ready early. I changed into my black spandex shorts and my volleyball team shirt me and everyone on our team got last year.

I straightened my long blonde and brown hair then put It in a high pony tail.

I threw my court shoes and volleyball into my sports bag and ran down to the living room and sat back down on the couch and put on cartoons. I texted Hayes and said he could hang out at my house until we left to the gym.

He came over five minutes later and flopped down on the couch next to me.

"Hey baby, how you doin?" I joked wiggling my eyebrows at him.

"Oh I'm grand now that I'm here with you," he replied dramatically throwing his arm around my shoulders.

My mom walked in at that moment then she just stared and walked out. Hayes and I just started cracking up then went back to our normal selves.

"What time do you need to be up at the gym?" Hayes asked.

"Around 2:30. I promised to help set stuff up." It was almost 1:00 so we went to my backyard to the trampoline in the far corner. I raced to it and started bouncing around.

Hayes climbed on with me and we just jumped around for about ten minutes.

I eventually got tired and flopped down on my stomach. Hayes, on the other hand, kept bouncing as hard as he can and I bounced around on my stomach.

"Hayes stop. I'm tired and I don't like flopping around like this," I whined.

"Noo I'm having fun!" He mocked me. So I pulled at his ankles and he fell down on his butt.

"Hey!" he yelled.

"Hey yourself," I said lightly hitting his stomach. Hayes sat up and tried tickling me.

"NO STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed trying to get up and run to the other side of the trampoline.

"Say you're sorry first!" he said smirking getting closer and closer to me.

"NEVER!" I yelled. He just shrugged and tackled me poking at my ribs. "NO GET OFF, HAYES! STOP IT!" I screamed and started laughing really hard.

"Not 'til you say sorry!" He said back to me.

"OKAY OKAY! PLEASE STOP!" My stomach was starting to hurt from all the laughing. Hayes stood up and helped me up.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry, Hayes," I told him smirking a little.

"Oh yeah? Sorry for what?" He questioned.

"Sorry that... YOU GOT YOUR BUTT KICKED BY A GIRL, YOU PANSY!" then I jumped off the trampoline and ran towards the sliding glass door leading into my dining room. Unfortunately Hayes was ALOT faster than me and he caught up with me without breaking a sweat. He wrapped his arms around me from behind to prevent me from moving and lifted me off the ground.

"You're a jerk, you know that?" Hayes said while laughing.

Once again I started screaming for dear life, "OH GOD STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER! AUUGGGGHHH!"

"Oh my God. I think you popped my eardrum!" Hayes said releasing me and we ran back inside.

"Whoa, whoa you guys," my mom said a little frustrated. "Calm down okay? Stop all the screaming!"

I giggled, "Sorry, Mom." Hayes and I walked to the living room. It was 2:15 so I grabbed my long board while Hayes grabbed his new penny board.

"Mom, we're leaving! I'll be back around five!" I yelled from the doorway.

"Okay! Be safe, and if any plans change text me okay? I wanna know," my mom replied back. I said okay and we were off to the school. 

My Best Friend *Hayes Grier Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now