Chapter Eight

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I don't know what's gotten into me lately. My feelings for Hayes have been... different. Maybe its just because I've been away from him for almost a month. What day is it?

June 16th?

OH MY GOD I FORGOT ABOUT HAYES' BIRTHDAY! I have to do something for him tomorrow! I can't believe I forgot my best friend's birthday!

All throughout practice me, Hollie, Sarah, Amanda, and Brooklyn helped Brea coach the younger kids. There isn't a guarantee that they'll make the team since there's about 50 girls here and 14 spots available, but we're here to help some of them get on the team.


An hour later practice was over and everyone was starting to leave. It was only me, Hollie, Brea and Hayes in the gym and me and Hollie were planning on staying late a little.

I walked over to where Hayes was sitting and plopped down next to him.

"Hey there," I said.

"Ayee, how was it?" Hayes said.

"I haven't played for a while and I'm so out of shape. Sorry you had to sit and watch for almost two hours," I replied.

"No it was okay. I enjoyed watching you in game mode," he said emphasizing 'game mode.'

"Yeah, I get really competitive. Even if its just practice," I said rubbing my shoulders because they were already feeling sore.

"I can tell," Hayes said, chuckling.

Hollie walked over to us after she talked to another girl in our grade and smiled.

"So there are going to be like three more practices before we do the actual tryouts," Hollie said to me. I nodded.

If you were already on the team and you were good you didn't really have to worry about tryouts. But I'll be glad when tryouts are over and I'll only have to deal with 13 other people.

"Do you guys wanna just hit the ball around?" Hollie asked us. I looked at Hayes questioningly.

He shrugged, "Sure. I don't mind."

"I'm down. Can someone help me up though? I'm super sore." Hayes and Hollie grabbed each of my hands and pulled me off the bleachers. I grabbed my ball and we messed around for a while.


20 minutes later and after we helped Brea put the equipment away we started riding home. We were both silent for a while before Hayes spoke up.

"Before practice you seemed a little... aggravated. What's up?"

Oh God. He probably thinks I like him and is really creeped out now. But I don't like him! I dont even know, but today I was definitely acting strange around him.

"Umm.." all of sudden my longboard went over a really big rock and I fell off and skidded on the sidewalk in front of me.

I just layed there in complete shock. That's never happened to me before. I saw Hayes run to where my longboard rolled off to and picked it up before running back to were I was.

"Oh my God, are you okay?!" Hayes said frantically. I didn't say anything for a while because I honestly didn't know what to say. I didn't feel like moving and it doesn't help that I was sore to begin with.

"JESSI?!" Hayes shouted. I forgot to respond.

"Uh, yeah I think so." I tried sitting up but then I got really dizzy. "Holy crap, Hayes there's two of you."

He swiftly helped me to my feet and gently touched my cheek.

"There's gonna be a huge bruise there, and look at your arm!" I glanced down at my left arm. It was stinging but I didn't know it was bleeding.

"Hayes my arm is bleeding," I stated.

"I see that. Come on let's hurry home, and um.. let's also walk." I still felt dizzy but I tried to take a step anyways. I fell into Hayes.

"I think I have a concussion," I groaned.

"Dear God. Okay hold on." He squatted down in front of me. "Jump on my back."

I did what I was told and wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder. He slipped his arms under my legs and stood up. Somehow he managed to carry me,both boards and my gym bag.

We walked up to my doorstep five minutes later and walked into my living room. He gently set me down on the couch and went to find my parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Adams?" I heard him call out. Next thing I know all three of them are crouched down next to me.

"What happened," my dad asked, more directed to Hayes than to me.

"We were on our way back from the school then Jessi fell off her longboard. Her arm's messed up and I think she might have a concussion," Hayes said.

My mom examined my arm then said, "Not bad. Just a scrape. I'll wash it then wrap it up." She guided me to the bathroom in the hallway and cleaned my arm with rubbing alcohol. Then she put a wrap on it. She grabbed some pills out of the medicine cabinet and handed them to me.

By now the dizziness was gone and I was left with a throbbing head ache. I sat down on the couch again and Hayes handed me a bottle of water. I drank my pills down then set the bottle on the coffee table.

"I knew getting you that board was going to lead to something like this. You are so accident prone, you know that?" my dad said while chuckling slightly.

"Oh well, golly freaking gosh, Dad. I love you too." I said irritated.

"Hey, no hard feelings, alright? Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest. Hayes will keep you company." Me and Hayes walked up to my room and I layed down on my bed.

"You had me worried there for a little bit. I thought you got really hurt," Hayes said softly.

"Yeah, I'm fine now though," I said back.

"Well, that's good," Hayes said. He smiled and sat down next to me.

"You're so nice!" I said sweetly. I think the medicine was getting to me. He laughed.

"Why thank you."

"So its June 16th," I said.

"So it is," Hayes replied.

"You know what that means?"

"Um, that tomorrow is June 17th?"

"No! That I missed your birthday!" I said sadly.

"Oh, well that's okay. I have another one coming up next year," he replied.

"No! We have to do something this year!" I whined.

"You really don't though."

"As your best friend I am required to do something super cool every year for your birthday. Sorry, I don't make the rules, I just follow them. And I suggest you do the same," I said to him.

"Ooh well in that case plan all you want. But do it on a day where you don't wipe out and almost kill yourself."

I laughed at that because what my dad said was true. I really am accident prone.

"Well, I'll be back tomorrow okay?" Hayes said.

"Okay," I said. I was feeling super tired anyways. I sat up and hugged him really tight. "Thanks for not leaving me there to die," I said. He laughed.

"I will never, in a million years, let you get hurt like that again. I promise," he replied as we locked pinkies. I hugged him again and this time he planted a kiss on my forehead.

My stomach got all fluttery and I blushed. Hayes stood up and started walking away.

"Feel better, love," he said. I smiled and nodded. Then he left.

I soon drifted off to sleep with Hayes kissing me on the forehead still playing over and over in my head.

My Best Friend *Hayes Grier Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now