Chapter Five

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Hayes and I walk/ skipped around the mall some more.

We came to a skate shop to get him a new penny board. While he was doing his own thing I decided to walk around the store for a little. I found this really nice sweatshirt with a college on it.


I heard it was a good college. Who knows, maybe I could end up there five years from now.

I walked over to where I left Hayes and he was still picking out a penny board.

"Hurry up, I'd like to leave the store sometime this year," I joked.

"Haha you're so funny, you know that?" Hayes said sarcastically while nudging me with his shoulder.

"Yeah, I try," I replied.

Eventually he chose a red one and we left to walk around the mall some more.

"Hey I wanna go to Vans," I told him whilst dragging him towards that part of the mall.

"Slow down, Jess. The shoes will still be there when we get there."

"Less talk more walk," I said pulling him faster. He just sighed and followed me.


We walked into the Vans store and I immediately ran to the back of the store where all of the shoes were located.

"I don't  understand why you wanna get more shoes. You literally own every color Vans they make," Hayes said walking up behind me.

"No not these ones," I replied holding up a navy blue shoe with black rubber soles and red galaxy ones with white soles. "Now which ones do I get?" I asked him.

"Hmm I like the blue ones," Hayes said. I put the galaxy one back and Hayes got the same ones as me.

One of the associates went to the back room to get our right sizes and we paid for our shoes and left.

"Where to next?" Hayes asked me.

"Umm... Hollister?"

"Oh no, we can't, Jessi!" Hayes said.

"What? Why?" I questioned clearly confused.

"Because I forgot to bring a flashlight so we can't see what we're buying." He said back with fake despair.

"Haaaaa..." I said not amused. He, on the other hand, thought this was hilarious and was snickering to himself.

We walked into the store and got more clothes. Afterwards we walked around the mall more before stopping at Starbucks. Hayes got a caramel frappuccino and I got a strawberry lemonade thing.

We walked out of the mall, occasionally getting stopped by fans asking for his autograph. Some of the girls glared at me obviously not happy about the fact that I'm hanging out with Hayes. But I just smiled and waved at them innocently.

My mom came to pick us up at around 6:45 and drove us home. The car ride was silent, but it was a nice kind of silent.


We pulled into my driveway and Hayes and I ran up to my room.

Hayes threw himself on my bed and scrolled through his phone while I shuffled through my bags of new crap.

"What do you wanna do?" He asked not looking up from his phone.

"I wanna put all my clothes away," I said ripping the price tags off the clothing and tossing them carelessly on my floor. I'll pick them up when I actually cared.

"Okay what about after that?" He said.

"Um?" I said putting a red hoodie on a hanger and then tossing it in with the rest of my hoodies. "We could watch a movie."

Hayes grabbed my laptop from my nightstand and logged into my Netflix account.

That's how close we are.

"Want me to just pick a random movie?" He asked.

"Yeah that's fine," I replied back from the depths of my stuffed closet.

Five minutes later I walked out of my closet and belly flopped on my bed next to where Hayes was sitting.

"What'd ya pick?" I said sitting up next to him.

"Neighbors," He said. This was the absolute worst and funniest movie ever. I layed back against my headboard and watched the movie.


"Ugh it's already 9:15" I groaned shutting my laptop. I rubbed my eyes and stood up from my bed.

"Yeah I know right?" Hayes said joining me. "I should probably go."

"Here, let me walk you out," I said as we headed downstairs. Neither of my parents were home since they both worked night shifts. They'd be home at around nine tomorrow morning.

I opened my front door and we stood out on my porch. Hayes wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in for a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my cheek on his chest and he put his chin on the top of my head.

"Goodnight," I mumbled against his shirt.

"Goodnight," Hayes said back. "Hey Jess?"


"I'm glad to be back home with my best friend." I felt him smile.

"Me too," I said smiling as well.

Hayes released me from his arms and headed down the porch. When he got to the sidewalk he turned and waved at me. I waved back. Then he turned back around and jogged to his house on the other side of the street.

I leaned against the door frame and smiled slightly. Then I walked back into my house, locked the door and trudged up to my shower. I quickly got in and washed my hair and body then quickly jumped out.

I threw on a navy blue tank top with white sweatpants and tied my hair in a bun. I opened my laptop that was still lying on my bed and looked for another movie. I decided on This Is The End and snuggled under my black and white covers.

I quickly started dozing off with the movie playing quietly in the background. But before I fell asleep I noticed I was smiling slightly.

I realized I was thinking of none other than my best friend.

Hayes Grier

My Best Friend *Hayes Grier Fanfiction*Where stories live. Discover now