Log 1 - Takami Chika

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Important note; A friend of mine had mistaken the character "You" with the reader. With "You" I don't meant the reader, I mean the Character "Watanabe You (Yo)".

"Today was the first day. Everyone is doing good so far. We're all still quite shocked but we know it'll all be over. 7 weeks may not be that long! We at least get to spend it together. It won't get boring here! You and Riko already examinated the building. It has everything needed.

There are bedrooms for every single one of us, there's a kitchen with enough food, bathrooms, a room we could all meet up together, a room with some stuff to entertain ourselves, a library and even a pool.

On the other hand, it's quite confusing that everything here is dark. There are no windows or doors to see at least some daylight. We have no media here aswell.

The one that escorted us here had left a letter for each of us, telling us that they had brought a message to our parents why we're gone.

This all seems so surreal. Why would someone do this to us? As the leader of the group, I decided to feel responsible for anything that happens here.

We're all just trying to look at the bright side of it; we're currently safe, have enough food etc. and also have each other. We'll surely get through all of this."


Chika was the first one to record a log. While she was recording it in the meeting room, everyone else just sat on the sofas and listened to Chika.

As she stopped the recording she sighed. "I kind of feel like I sound to enthusiastic about it. I mean, were trapped in a building for a total of 7 weeks..."

You put an arm around her shoulder. "Don't worry Chika, we can do this together." She tried to comfort her friend. "We're lucky enough to have everything that's here... Fresh clothes, bathrooms, showers, a kitchen... We shouldn't worry that much." She said.

"But someone is planning on something." Dia interfered. "Why would someone put us here with everything someone needs? There must be more to it." She made notes while talking. "I think you're just overthinking it!" Mari said with her cheerful nature.

Dia didn't seem to care about what Mari was saying in that moment. Chika realized that Dia had to be right. "You're right. There must be something... I wish we could figure out why were here..." Chika looked like she was thinking.

"We shouldn't worry that much now." Kanan suddenly said. "As long as we're all fine for now, there's no need to panic or something like that." She looked over to Hanamaru, who was eating like usual.

Kanan looked around the room and looked into one of the closets. She found a few board games and stuff like that. "Since there's really nothing else to do, why not play some games?" She asked while smiling.

Since they had already searched for a way out of this, they knew there was really nothing else for them to do right now. They played games in teams of three, split up in their sub units.

At the end of the day, Team Guilty Kiss had won. "Hehe. Of course we'd win with such a great person as me on the team!" Yoshiko said before striking a pose.

Chika looked at the clock at the wall to see that it has already been 7 p.m. She felt hungry, since she didn't know when she last ate something.

"You-chan, how about you cook today? You're a great cook, and I feel like starving!" Chika said. Everyone nodded im agreement. "Leave it to me!" You happily said and already rushed off to the kitchen.

"Everyone." Dia tried to get everyone's attention. Everyone gathered around Dia, who was currently making a few plans.

"We can't leave all the cooking to You the next days, that's for sure. I decided that we should make a plan on who does what chores each day." Dia announced.

Ruby's eyes sparkled in excitement. "That's so smart of you, Dia!" She said.

Dia turned around the sheet of paper so everyone could look at it.

"No one will do any chores alone. I'll give all of you a partner for each day, so someone has to do two chores some day, but only one the next."


Cooking: You & Riko
Cleaning: Mari & Kanan
Dishes: Dia & Ruby
Log: Chika & Hanamaru
Healthcare: Mari & Yoshiko

Cooking: Dia & Kanan
Cleaning: Chika & Mari
Dishes: Riko & Ruby
Log: Yoshiko & You
Healthcare: Hanamaru & Dia

Cooking: Hanamaru & Kanan
Cleaning: Dia & Yoshiko
Dishes: Yoshiko & Chika
Log: Riko & Mari
Healthcare: Chika & Ruby

Cooking: Mari & Yoshiko
Cleaning: Ruby & Hanamaru
Dishes: Kanan & Riko
Log: Kanan & Dia
Healthcare: Chika & You

Cooking: Ruby & Chika
Cleaning: You & Riko
Dishes: Hanamaru & Dia
Log: Ruby & Chika
Healthcare: Yoshiko & Riko

Cooking: Dia & You
Cleaning: Yoshiko & Chika
Dishes: Kanan & Ruby
Log: Riko & You
Healthcare: Mari & Hanamaru

Cooking: Ruby & Hanamaru
Cleaning: Dia & Riko
Dishes: Mari & Hanamaru
Log: Yoshiko & Mari
Healthcare: Ruby & Kanan


"What's healthcare for, zura?" Hanamaru asked. "If someone is feeling sick or is injured, they can go to the healthcare. It's a room in this building where you need to stay at specific times of the day." Dia said.

"There is a special guide and all the instructions. They can be found in the folder in the closet there. All kinds of medicine and bandages can be found there too. The healthcare is down the corridor across from the bathrooms."

Kanan scanned the paper. "It seems fair. Everyone has to do each job at least once. Seems good! I think we can all agree with this."

You then came in. "Dinner is served! Come to the dining room please!"


"Sorry that you had to wait." You said as everyone sat down and began to eat. "Thanks for cooking, You-chan!" Hanamaru said with a full mouth.

"Next time you won't have too cook alone. Sorry to put you through that!" Dia said as she gave You the folded paper.

"This is a chore list. I hope you're okay with it."

You looked at it. "Yeah, seems good to me!" She smiled.


It was now 10pm when they all felt really tired. They wished each other a goodnight and went to bed.


See you in the next chapter! I hope you're looking forward to it!

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