12 - Helpless.

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As the light flooded into the room with the steel door, Chika couldn't stand the sight. She saw one of her dearest friends, You, beaten to death. Her body bruised and probably with broken bones.

The sight of her dead best friend was simply too much for her, she ran. She ran and ran, tears flowing down her cheeks. She didn't care about anything that moment. She didn't care about how exhausted she was. She didn't care about the two friends she just left behind.

As she ran, her sight got blurry, she felt like vomiting. She still continued on running until she blacked out and fell down with a loud thud.

* * *

Chika woke up due to a sharp pain that went through her arm. "Be more careful, zura!" Chika heard a familiar voice say as she felt someone touch her arm.

She opened her eyes, finding Yoshiko and Hanamaru hovering above her. She sat up immediately. "Chika!" Yoshiko grabbed Chika by the shoulders so she wouldn't be so fast with getting up.

As Yoshiko grabbed her shoulders, Chika felt a sharp pain going through her shoulders as well. "Ouch!" She shouted as she held her left shoulder in pain.

"As I thought..." Yoshiko sighed. "You fell down in such an unlucky way, it seems like you've sprained both your shoulder and arm."

Chika had tears forming in her eyes, the pain was unbearable. But she resisted her tears, it wouldn't help her anyways if she'd cry now. She slowly got up, her face having a pained expression.

"We need to get going..." Chika mumbled as she started walking down the corridor again. "Chika, I don't think-" Yoshiko began but Chika interrupted her.

"No! Do you want to die here?! Tell me, do you want to?! We need to get out of here, now!" Chika shouted, her eyes stinging. Yoshiko and Hanamaru looked at the floor.

"I know that this is a tough situation..." Chika said a little more calm. "But we can't risk our lives because of minor injuries!" She said and she turned her back towards them. "Don't you think...?" She mumbled as she made small steps down the corridor, her friends following her silently.

* * *

After another 30 minutes or so, they've found another wooden door. Afraid of what might be behind it this time, Chika asked Yoshiko to open the door first.

Yoshiko held her ear against the door, gaining the sounds of a familiar voice. She gasped loudly as she recognized the voice. "That can't be!" She shouted as she bursted into the room.

She found herself in a huge room, a table was in the middle of it. Nine chairs had been around the round, wooden table, but only one person was seated.

"N-no..." Yoshiko fell onto her knees, startled of the sight. Chika and Hanamaru came in as well. "What's the matter, zura?" She asked but her talking ceased at the sight.

"D-dia?" Yoshiko said in disbelief as the figure at the very other end of the table turned around on her chair.

"It's nice to see you again." The brown haired girl said with a smile. But it wasn't a happy smile. It was more likely a smile filled with... evil... mischief...?

Yoshiko didn't know how to put it, but she knew it wasn't the usual way Dia would smile at them.

"How are you alive?" Chika stepped infront of Yoshiko,  her voice was shaky. Dia chuckled. "Ahaha, poor Chika..." Dia said as she stood up and walked alongside the table to get to the three girls.

"Did you fall? Oh dear, it must hurt, doesn't it?" Dia said with a saddened look on her face as she scanned Chika's bruises.

"Why are you here?!" Chika shouted as she turned around to get out of Dia's grasp.

"Let's just say, I wasn't dead in the first place." She winked. Chika fell to her knees. "T-that can't be... I saw it with my own eyes..." She mumbled. "I... I felt so guilty... and Ruby... She..." Chika turned around to face Dia again.

"Ruby died because of you!" She shouted, tears running down her cheeks. Dia sighed. "I know... it's a shame, isn't it?" She said as she looked towards the ceiling. "My sweet little sister... I thought she might make it, despite my "death"."

Chika noticed Hanamaru's silent sobs from behind her. "My best friend... died for... nothing?" She mumbled with a shaky voice. "How could you, zura?" Hanamaru looked at Dia, but she didn't seem to care at all.

Her diamond eyes narrowed a little as Hanamaru looked at her. "How could I?" Dia repeated as she stepped closer to Hanamaru. "How could I...?" She said with an angry tone in her voice.

Her face was only a few inches away from Hanamaru's as she snapped her head back and begin to laugh like crazy.

"She was weak, that's all. I had faith in her, but she disappointed me." Dia spat. Suddenly, Yoshiko got up and clenched her fists.

"How... How are you able to talk like that about your sister?!" Yoshiko shouted as she aimed her fist at Dia, but Dia quickly caught Yoshiko's arm and forced it behind her back.

"Now, now, we don't want to get physical, do we?" Dia asked as she pressed Yoshiko's arm against her back, getting a pained face in response.

"I've been waiting for you to get here already." Dia chuckled as she threw Yoshiko to the floor. "Yoshiko!" Hanamaru keeled down to see if her friend was okay.

"I planned everything all along." Dia announced as she sat back down in her chair. "What do you mean?!" Chika got up.

"Everything that has happened... was my plan. I locked everyone in the building, I planned my own death, I planned You's death... Everything was just going like I wanted it." Dia bowed down slightly, as if she was looking for something.

As she got back up, she rested her elbow on the table, a gun in her hand which she pointed towards Chika with a smile on her face.

"Of course, the death of my own sister wasn't planned at all, but she wasn't a huge loss for it anyways." Dia explained as she pulled the trigger, but no bullet got shot out of it.

"There's only one bullet in the gun." She said as she pointed the gun at her own head and pulled the trigger again. "Let's see who it'll hit, shall we?" Dia gave Chika a bright smile as she pointed the gun back at her.

She probably knows where the bullet is, so it'll hit me for sure... Chika thought.

"Or... shall we make it more interesting?" Dia got another gun and let it slide across the table. "You'll get one too and do the same, maybe it'll hit both of us?" Dia chuckled.

Chika looked at the gun in disbelief. "Why should I do that?" Chika asked with a stern voice. Dia's face grew angry.

"Because if you don't..." She held the gun towards Hanamaru. "I'll only point the gun at the three of you, so one of you will die for sure."

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